Baekhyun's side "Vicious slander, dissemination of false information, and strong legal response..."No leniency or agreement" (Full Story)

Sep 10, 2024

 Baekhyun's side 'Vicious slander, dissemination of false information, and strong legal response...'No leniency or agreement' (Full Story)

Baekhyun, a member of the group EXO and a solo singer, has warned of legal action against malicious posts.

Baekhyun's agency, INB100, said on the 10th that "Defamatory posts and malicious comments such as malicious slander, false information dissemination, insults and ridicule against Baekhyun are continuously and indiscriminately distributed through online communities, portal sites, SNS, and YouTube."

We followed up with IP tracking with the help of professional agencies, and we are already taking strong legal action against some of them and will continue to file complaints. I emphasize that we will take severe legal action without any warning, leniency, or agreement in this process," forewarned a legal action.

In the meantime, "We inform you that the act of defaming others by publicly stating facts through the information and communication network for the purpose of slandering people is a clear illegal act and is subject to strong legal action."We will continue to do our best to protect our artists," he said.

Meanwhile, Baekhyun released his 4th mini album 'Hello, World(Hello, World)' on the 6th.

Hereinafter, Baekhyun's position full text


Thank you to the fans who always show a lot of love and support to INB100 artist Baekhyun. Thanks to this love, Baekhyun is continuing his good activities with his recently released 4th mini album 'Hello, World'.

Unfortunately, however, defamatory posts and malicious comments such as malicious slander, spreading false information, insults, and ridicule against Baekhyun are continuously and indiscriminately distributed through online communities, portal sites, SNS, and YouTube.

As a result, we tracked IP with the help of a specialized agency, and we are already strongly legalizing some of them and will continue to file complaints. In this process, I emphasize that we will take strict legal action without any warning, leniency, or agreement.

We would like to inform you that it is a clear illegal act and subject to strong legal action to damage the reputation of others by publicly disclosing facts through the information and communication network for the purpose of slandering people.

We will continue to do our best to protect our artists.