"Newzins Production Only" vs Min Hee-jin's side "I want the representative back"Eventually colliding again."

Sep 25, 2024

 'Newzins Production Only' vs Min Hee-jin's side 'I want the representative back'Eventually colliding again.'
Former CEO Min Hee-jin. Sports Chosun DB
While New Jin's agency, Adore, proposed a compromise to re-elect former CEO Min Hee-jin as an in-house director, former CEO Min immediately protested and demanded his return to the CEO's position.

On the 25th "Adore decided to convene an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders to re-elect Min Hee-jin as an inside director at today's board meeting."However, we discussed the demand for the return of the CEO position as unacceptable at this time."

Earlier, on the 27th of last month, Audor dismissed former CEO Min and appointed Kim Joo-young as the new CEO. In response, former CEO Min claimed that it was a unilateral notice of dismissal of the CEO's position. Since then, Newzins has conducted an emergency live broadcast on its YouTube channel on the 11th and called on Hive, the parent company of Adore, to return former CEO Min by today (25th).

 'Newzins Production Only' vs Min Hee-jin's side 'I want the representative back'Eventually colliding again.'
Newzins Live Broadcast Screen Capture
"As basic guarantees have been made regarding Min's status, duration and authority as a producer in charge of producing Newzins, we expect discussions on specific conditions in the future," Adore said"Newzins members were given detailed answers by e-mail about what was discussed at today's board meeting and about various inquiries."

In response, former CEO Min's legal representative, Sejong Corporation, issued a statement on the same day and decided to convene an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders on the agenda of the re-election of former CEO Min as an in-house director. However, it is not known at this point whether Min Hee-jin, the former CEO, will be re-elected as an in-house director because the appointment of an in-house director is decided by Hive, the majority shareholder,' he said.

The board of directors then announced on the morning of September 11 that it had proposed to former CEO Min to be in charge of producing Newgene's for the next five years"However, there was no sincere proposal, such as deleting numerous toxic provisions in the draft, such as the unilateral right to terminate, only saying that it would extend the contract period. The expression "proposing a compromise" is nothing but a pun.

Former representative Min is wary that Newzins will not be guaranteed normal artist activities when only his term is extended due to the wrong contract"In response, former CEO Min clearly stated his intention to return as CEO and requested specific contract details with the corresponding authenticity of Hive."

 'Newzins Production Only' vs Min Hee-jin's side 'I want the representative back'Eventually colliding again.'
He also expressed his displeasure with allegations that Hive disparaged the New Jeans performance earlier in the day. Min's side said, `I suspect what else is he trying to hide and what he is trying to make a sudden statement today, and whether he is trying to split between Min and Newzins.'

In the meantime, "I'm very angry with Audor, who incites the public and public opinion through lies that will repeatedly be evident, and I'm just sorry for the damage to the artist. The board of directors hopes to show good faith in sincere consultations before playing the media. We also strongly demand the return of former CEO Min to the position of CEO for the performance of a normal artist.
