Min Hee-jin, New Jin's next step will be revealed. 100 minutes of lecture on Hive Truth and Reconciliation

Sep 27, 2024

 Min Hee-jin, New Jin's next step will be revealed. 100 minutes of lecture on Hive Truth and Reconciliation

Min Hee-jin, former CEO of A-door, will give a lecture on truth with Hive.

Former CEO Min will be a lecturer at the '2024 Hyundai Card Da Vinci Motel' hosted by Hyundai Card from 9 p.m. to 10:40 p.m. on the 27th at Itaewon-dong, Yongsan-gu, Seoul. While the average talk time of other speakers attending the event is about 50 minutes, former CEO Min will give lectures for 100 minutes, which is about twice as long. The theme of the lecture is 'K-pop's formula-breaking producer, Min Hee-jin's freestyle'.

As former representative Min is engaged in a war of sharp truth with Hive, attention has been focused on what kind of bombshell he will make.

Hive sued former CEO Min on charges of breach of trust and other charges, saying he tried to take over the management rights of Audor. In response, former CEO Min protested 'Comedy', but Odor dismissed former CEO Min through a board meeting last month.

 Min Hee-jin, New Jin's next step will be revealed. 100 minutes of lecture on Hive Truth and Reconciliation
On the 11th, the members of New Jeans gave an ultimatum to Hive, saying, "'Return former CEO Min by the 25th.'" However, Audor said that he would guarantee former CEO Min's position as an in-house director and production for five years, the entire remaining contract period for Newzins, but that he would not be able to return to the CEO position.

Min protested, saying, `The compromise between Dorr is just a pun.' `We demand the return of the leadership for the normal activities of Newzynes.' In a media interview on the 26th, "After winning the provisional injunction against the provisional shareholders' meeting in May, a negotiation proposal came in to receive money from Hib, but refused because the money was not the purpose. Due to Hive's obstruction of work, Newzins' fan meeting and album production in Korea have been suspended.

But Hive has never proposed a deal that calls for "I'll give you money, so get out." The reason why the Newzins fan meeting and album production were suspended was because of director Min's poor work conditions."

As such, former CEO Min and Hive are in sharp conflict. However, what both sides acknowledged the same is that Newzins' activities have stopped. Attention is focusing on whether former CEO Min, who claims to be the `Newzins mom' will reveal his daughters' next steps, saying that `Newzins is a child born with my head and heart.'
