Son Dambi succeeded in getting pregnant after 3 years of marriage? "I'm going to be a mom in June next year."

Sep 26, 2024

 Son Dambi succeeded in getting pregnant after 3 years of marriage? 'I'm going to be a mom in June next year.'

Singer and actor Son Dam-bi faced a double celebration.

TV Chosun 'Dad and Me' aired on the 25th showed Son Dam-bi visiting a physiognomist.

The physiognomist "Optologically, I think the child will be implanted this year. Good things happen before the age of 45, and I can have a baby in May-June next year"It's a physiognomy that can give infinite love to a child. The baby will be more precious and the child will make the relationship with her husband better."

And at the end of the broadcast, Son Dam-bi Lee Kyu-hyuk and his wife visited Son Dam-bi's mother's house and handed her a gift. The mother opened the gift and said, "What is this?" and Son Dam-bi, who was watching this in the studio, was in tears.

 Son Dambi succeeded in getting pregnant after 3 years of marriage? 'I'm going to be a mom in June next year.'
As a result, attention was paid to what Son Dam-bi's gift would be. Netizens have also speculated that Son Dam-bi may have finally succeeded in becoming pregnant. In fact, Son Dam-bi recently announced that she has started a second in vitro procedure. He gave hormone injections to his stomach three to four times a day, and he gained about eight kilograms, but he desperately wants a baby. If Son Dam-bi is successful in pregnancy, she can give birth in June next year, as the physiognomist said.

Moreover, Son Dam-bi said on the 25th, "'This birthday is all the more special.'" Thank you for spending the third year with my husband," he said. In the released photo, Son Dam-bi is seen enjoying a private party. There are two cakes in front of him, who is happy with a bouquet of flowers. As a result, there was careful speculation that it might be a birthday cake and a pregnancy cake.