'Sex Offender' Ko Young-wook, what is so uncomfortable and unpleasant..."I'm the one and only original"

Sep 30, 2024

'Sex Offender' Ko Young-wook, what is so uncomfortable and unpleasant...'I'm the one and only original'

Ko Young-wook, a former member of Lula, a group who was sentenced to prison for sexual assault against minors, posted a meaningful article that seemed to shoot someone, recalling his past activities.

Ko Young-wook said on the 29th, "'Crying Rap. Crying Rap is the only crying rap I did in Korea that anyone who can speak basic English can understand.'"

"When I was 20 years old, when I wanted to be cool, I didn't want to do it so much, but I had to because I was the youngest member of the team, and I was so shy that I went into the recording studio and threw up all my energy. But I was proud of my unique title, so why are you calling me Crying Lab with something weird at some point?" he said, posting a sniping at someone.

Then "Why is the person who needs to correct it after hearing it?" Is it annoying to say that much or is it not a big deal to yourself. "Is he treating me like a dead person at all?" he said, expressing his displeasure, saying, "I don't know if he can say he's terrible because he's not cool, but personally, I can't hide my uncomfortable and unpleasant feelings in the reality that the crying rap is distorted and confirmed to have been done by someone else at all."

He also concluded the article, "'If I, the person who did the creeping rap, don't correct it, it will continue to be intrusive as if it were stolen without anyone correcting it, so I'm writing it like this now.'"

'Sex Offender' Ko Young-wook, what is so uncomfortable and unpleasant...'I'm the one and only original'
Earlier last month, Ko Young-wook's YouTube channel was eventually forcibly deleted.

Ko Young-wook said at the time, `I think my YouTube channel was shut down overnight. I didn't post harmful content just because I was an ex-convict, but I've done my punishment by the law to apply rules that YouTube doesn't have to one individual.. Who can be and who can't? Is this fair..", he complained of unfairness.

However, I would like to thank some of the fans who supported me "Thank you to those who subscribed to my channel and those who visited and cared for me. Also, I apologize to those who cheered for me by e-mail and express my regret. It was a short time, but I'm grateful to all of you for your overflowing love, and I won't forget that heart. Take care of yourself." he left a greeting, and since then, he has continued to communicate through X.

Meanwhile, Ko Young-wook was put on trial for sexually assaulting and forcibly harassing three minors four times in his officetel and car in Seoul from July 2010 to December 2012.

The Supreme Court sentenced him to two and a half years in prison in December 2013. It also issued an order to disclose and notify personal information for five years and attach a location tracking electronic device (electronic anklet) for three years.

Since then, Ko Young-wook was released from prison in southern Seoul in 2015 while wearing an electronic anklet, and on July 9, 2018, the period of wearing it expired and the electronic anklet was removed.
