Son Yeon-jae, the owner of the building's mother's vote 'Fierce parenting' is no use.'Animal says I was the only one who saw it"

Sep 28, 2024

Son Yeon-jae, the owner of the building's mother's vote 'Fierce parenting' is no use.'Animal says I was the only one who saw it'
Gymnastics fairy Son Yeon-jae's passionate parenting has been revealed.

Son Yeon-jae said on the 28th that "I'm the only one who saw animals." published a photograph with the text.

The released photo shows Son Yeon-jae going to the zoo with her son. Son Yeon-jae pointed to the animal by posing with her hands outstretched toward the animal in the distance, but her son is only looking at the front. The son in the stroller doesn't even look at the animal, making him laugh.

The appearance of the son who does not follow the heart of Son Yeon-jae, a mother who is serious about raising children, adds to the sense of reality. On the other hand, Son Yeon-jae's fairy visual, which looks young even though her face is covered, draws attention as she does not look like a real mother.

Meanwhile, Son married a financial worker nine years older in 2022 and gave birth to a son in February.

In November last year, Son Yeon-jae and his wife bought a detached house in Itaewon-dong, Seoul, at a sale price of 7.2 billion won, making headlines.