"The worst video I've seen so far" indiscriminate assault on the highway during a fight to get stuck ('Hanbley')

Sep 24, 2024

'The worst video I've seen so far' indiscriminate assault on the highway during a fight to get stuck ('Hanbley')
The whole story of the indiscriminate assault on the highway shoulder, which Lee Soo-geun was also shocked, will be revealed.

Korea's Zero Traffic Accident Challenge JTBC 'Han Moon-chul's Black Box Review' (hereinafter 'Hanbley'), which airs at 8:50 p.m. on the 24th, introduces the incident that led to the assault due to a dispute that occurred while attempting to intervene on the highway. The black car tries to cut in past the toll gate, but the vehicle coming from the left does not move out. The fight between the two vehicles continues until just before the accident, and eventually the other vehicle blocks the front of the black car and stops on the shoulder. The two drivers get out of the car and have been scuffling for a while, and the other car owner begins to assault the black car owner. Lee Soo-geun was shocked by the scene of serious assault, such as strong kicks and taking pictures of the face with his knees.

In response, the production team of 'Hanbley listens to the whole story of the day to Blvak Cha-joo. Blak Cha-joo, who received about 10 needles of sutures due to a torn upper right eye, admits that it was a dispute that began with excessive intervention, saying, "I didn't do anything well, but was it enough to use violence?" but expresses that the degree of assault by the opponent was ruthless. Lawyer Han Moon-chul pointed out the seriousness of the case, saying, "(The perpetrator needs a formal indictment)," in the case of all-time assault cases in which everyone was in shock.

'Hanbley' releases video of kickboard accidents that have recently occurred in various places. According to the video, two students are shocked when they cannot find a vehicle coming from the other side while driving on one electric kickboard. Fortunately, the two students, who fell to the floor after rotating about two times in the air, were not life-threatening, but the studio was shocked by an accident that could have more serious consequences if done wrong. In addition, it analyzes images of electric bicycle accidents that ignore signals and drive, and emphasizes safe driving of various means of transportation.

Meanwhile, 'Hanbley' is joined by Kim Jong-min of the national group 'Koyote'. As a legend in the dance world, Kim Jong-min showed off his rusty dance skills and made the scene excited from the beginning. In addition, it reveals the story of taking the written test for a driver's license and the funny (?) intervention experience, raising questions.
