'Black and White' Cooking Dol Child" Revealed"There are no tattoos"(Heal's Club)

Oct 25, 2024

'Black and White' Cooking Dol Child' Revealed'There are no tattoos'(Heal's Club)

'Black and white cook' A cooking stone directly explained the misunderstanding surrounding him.

On the 25th, a video titled 'Okdom Urokoyaki's club channel, which was held on hold, was released on the 1st round 'Okdom Urokoyaki'Why I was able to go up although it was bland.

Chef Yoon Nam-no introduced himself as "The meme maker of 'Black and White Chef', a man who introduced himself to the world about the sabayong" and said "I'm glad I was able to come out like this today and clear up the misunderstanding about me"

Referring to his nickname 'cooking stone child' in 'black-and-white cook', he opened 'I like the word 'dol child' but I think he hates others' Then "I'm a bit crazy about my job or I'm persistent."," he said, explaining the reason for choosing the nickname.

'Black and White' Cooking Dol Child' Revealed'There are no tattoos'(Heal's Club)
He says, "I'm from a gangster, I'm sure I have a lot of tattoos, but I don't have any," he strongly denied the rumors.

Chef Yoon Nam-no earnestly said " as he prepared for the contest. Working a day, I made 40 contest dishes and spent a lot of money. It cost about 3 million won to practice. I didn't waste any money. I thought I would try it until I tried it and admit it if I failed. Before the competition, I didn't eat anything, so I only drank coffee for two days. I think I had about 18 cups." So "When only 20 people were caught in the first round, I was too hungry, so I didn't get the right seasoning. Everything was salty in my mouth. When I was being judged, it was really bland when I ate it again after being evaluated as 'It's not without seasoning'. I thought I was going crazy after receiving the hold."

'Black and White' Cooking Dol Child' Revealed'There are no tattoos'(Heal's Club)
Chef Yoon, who said he couldn't eat other chef's food during the competition, pretended not to hear it and ate it secretly, said, `It's like a rule set by the production team because they're worried about why it went up after eating it,' and added, `The best is the school cafeteria leader 'Ogolgye chicken stew'. If you didn't eat meals and cooked Korean food, you would have eaten in the top 5 in Korea. Should I call it moderation. It wasn't too much, it was just a drop in taste."

"When the judges wore eye patches and matched the sava sauce, they saw my pose, which became a meme, and threw my phone awayChef Yoon explained the behind-the-scenes story, "'I went to the restaurant the day after the broadcast, and the staff couldn't work because it was funny.'"

During the tofu hell mission, the fishy smell of 16,000 tofu vibrated and it was driving me crazy. Chef Yoon said, `I hope that the tofu will be poured out, saying that people know when two huge Busan are coming down," he said, expressing his evil imagination.

As for how he became close to the triple star, he is a famous friend in the industry. He was a rising chef and praised that he would do well if he opened his own"Let's talk casually because we're the same age. I said I won't cross the line and became clear. We see each other four times a week. The friend looks very funny in real life. If you get close, you're really good at impersonating Jung Woo-sung, and you're really good at it," he said, revealing his true friend's real life.
