New Jin's Hani, Bang Si-hyuk indirectly mentions"I don't receive greetings, I'm rude as a human being."

Oct 15, 2024

New Jin's Hani, Bang Si-hyuk indirectly mentions'I don't receive greetings, I'm rude as a human being.'
Hani (left), Rep. Park Jeong. Capture live footage of the parliamentary audit
Group New Jin's Hani mentioned Hive Chairman Bang Si-hyuk.

Hani appeared as a reference at the parliamentary inspection of the Environment and Labor Committee (Hwan Labor Committee) on the 15th and said, `Chairman Bang Si-hyuk has never received a greeting.' `I don't think it's polite as a human being.'

Hani attended a parliamentary audit as a reference and testified about bullying in Hive, the parent company of Adore, the agency. It is eye-catching because it is unusual for a K-pop idol singer to attend a parliamentary audit.

Earlier in September, Hani hosted an emergency YouTube live broadcast with the members and complained of bullying, saying she was told to 'ignore" by another label manager in Hive. The members of New Jin's claim that they informed the situation to Kim Joo-young, CEO of A-Door, but that there was no action.

On this day, Hwanho Committee Chairman Ahn Ho-young, Rep. Park Young, and Rep. Woo Jae-joon asked Haniwa Kim about the incident. On the situation at the time, Hani said, "There is a floor in the Hive where I get my hair and makeup done. At that time, it was a time when I was going around a university festival and I was preparing to go to Pusan National University. I finished my hair and makeup first, so I was waiting in the hallway."

There were about three other (label) team members waiting, and a female manager passed by. I said hello to the members well at that time, and 5 to 10 minutes later, they came out again. As I came out, the manager made eye contact with me, and explained to the members who followed me, 'I ignored you as if I didn't see you.'"

In the meantime, "I didn't understand if this had to happen. But this problem was not just once or twice. If I don't come out here, I'll move on quietly. And it's something that anyone can suffer from. I came out with the hope that no one else would suffer like this," he said, explaining the reason for his attendance at the parliamentary audit.

Citing other cases, he also supported the claim that he was ostracized in Hive. Hani said "It wasn't just the incident. I've encountered a lot of high people since the beginning of my debut. Whenever we encountered each other, he never received a greeting." he said with the chairman of Hive in mind, Bang Si-hyuk.

"I understood that it is culture to be polite to an older person while living in Korea, but I think it is not polite as a human being to not receive my greetings regardless of my job."