Can the last notification D-3 for the penalty of 620 billion won for New Jeans, Min Hee-jin's mother and daughter be paid

Nov 25, 2024

 Can the last notification D-3 for the penalty of 620 billion won for New Jeans, Min Hee-jin's mother and daughter be paid

Will it be possible to meet the mother and daughter of the group New Jeans and Min Hee-jin, the former CEO of A-Door.

On the 24th, the transcript of the Kakao Talk conversation between former CEO Min and his close aide, former Deputy CEO A, was released. According to this, Mr. A explained, `If the average monthly sales is set at 200 million won and the termination time is set to the end of June, the remaining period is about 62 months, and the termination amount per person is expected to be about 12.4 billion won, and 62 billion won for five people.'

Former CEO Min said "Newzins? It's not that long?Mr. A responded ", and Mr. A calculated based on the settlement amount, and sales are likely to be 1.5 billion won to 2 billion won per person. 450 billion won to 620 billion won."

According to the Fair Trade Commission's standard exclusive contract, the average monthly sales for the previous two years multiplied by the number of months remaining in the contract will be set as a penalty as of the time of termination of the contract. This is because the penalty is regarded as the expected return that the agency will earn for the rest of the contract period.

According to the Financial Supervisory Service's electronic disclosure system, Audor's sales last year amounted to 110.3 billion won. Newzins has a remaining contract period of five years. As a result, the industry predicted that the penalty for Newzins would be between 400 billion won and 600 billion won.

 Can the last notification D-3 for the penalty of 620 billion won for New Jeans, Min Hee-jin's mother and daughter be paid
Newzins is currently sending an ultimatum to Adore. On the 13th, the members sent proof of content to Audor demanding Min's return, thorough investigation and strict measures on Hive's internal documents, and an official apology from the manager who told Hani to ignore them. They declared that they would terminate the exclusive contract if the requirements were not corrected within two weeks.

However, the possibility of the acceptance of Newzins' opinion converges to zero. Ileet's agency Billifrap has already nailed that there is no manager who told me to ignore Hani, and former CEO Min resigned as an in-house director on the 20th, making it impossible to return.

As a result, Newzins is likely to start an exclusive contract dispute with Hive. The members claimed that Hani greeted other artists and managers, but heard the manager say "Ignore you" and that Hive's internal documents also included the phrase "What You Can Do Except for New (Newzins")". If this situation is properly proved, there is room for the trust relationship to be broken due to Hive's attribution.

However, if it is judged that the reason for terminating the exclusive contract is insufficient only with the evidence presented by Newzins, Newzins must remain in the door. In that case, we cannot rule out the possibility of being 'statutory' by asking 'the crime of misgivings'.

In addition, if it starts with former CEO Min, trademark issues and allegations of tempering must be overcome.

Now, the deadline set by the New Jeans is only three days away. Attention is focusing on whether Hive and Newzins can succeed in a dramatic compromise.