Chef Jang Ho-joon is having a hard time getting married to his girlfriend who was born in 1998..."What You Still Can't Do" ('Same Bed, Different Dreams')

Nov 26, 2024

Chef Jang Ho-joon is having a hard time getting married to his girlfriend who was born in 1998...'What You Still Can't Do' ('Same Bed, Different Dreams')

Chef Jang Ho-joon is having a hard time getting married to his girlfriend who was born in 1998...'What You Still Can't Do' ('Same Bed, Different Dreams')
'Black and White Chef Jang Ho-joon mentioned his marriage to his girlfriend, who is 15 years younger than him.

In SBS 'Dongsang Imong Season 2 - You Are My Destiny', which aired on the 25th, the daily lives of the Kim Mi-ryeong couple 'Imokase No. 1'40-year-old tradition' were revealed.

Japanese chef Jang Ho-joon and chef Lee Mi-young visited the liquor table. Chef Jang Ho-joon admired the taste of fresh kimchi, saying, `It's like kimchi that my mom gave me right away when I made kimchi.' Chef Kim Mi-ryeong happily served the delicious chefs. He was pleased, saying, `When I have a day off, I cook for the people in the neighborhood, and when I make kimchi, I give it to the chefs.'

Chef Kim Mi-ryeong made the meat pancake and said, `It reminds me of our old days. She said, "Can I help you?"```````` mission.

Jang Ho-jun, who admires like an old man, and Jung Ji-sun "Ho-jun is not married yet. But I'm dating a girlfriend who is 15 years younger. There were a lot of issues because of that." Chef Jang Ho-joon's girlfriend was born in 1998.

In response, chef Jung Ji-sun, his friend, teased him saying, "That's why he's called a thief." Lee Ji-hye also said, "He looks like a kid."," he teased and laughed.

Chef Lee Mi-young said, "'I'm a black and white cook.'" The hardest thing was that I couldn't sleep. I slept for just two hours while preparing for more than 30 hours, and Chef Kim Mi-ryeong trembled with "How many hours did you sleep?"

I couldn't sleep at all during the black and white mission. Chef Kim Mi-ryeong said "Chef Jung Ji-sun was good at holding out. Isn't Chinese food so hard?" he exclaimed.

Lee Mi-young asked Jang Ho-jun "Why aren't you getting married?" Kim Mi-ryeong, the chef, said "I don't know if you're not doing it or not." Jang Hojun said, "I can't do it yet," he quizzed.

Chef Kim Mi-ryeong said "There is a marriage senior next to me, but I think the start is important. You have to start. There's next" he advised.

Chef Lee Mi-young has been married for 35 years, Chef Kim Mi-ryeong for 20 years, and Chef Jung Ji-sun for 11 years.Chief chef Jang Ho-joon was embarrassed, saying, `You're a senior marriage student.'

Chef Kim Mi-ryeong "Even if there's a thousand dollars inside, my husband finishes the noodle restaurant and helps me with the recycling. I think this is why it's nice to have a groom. And it's annoying and annoying?? Chef Lee Mi-young also laughed by saying, "Yes, you should take it out on your husband. Who should you do it on?"

Chef Kim Mi-ryeong "The only side of me in the world is my husband. That's why I told him to get married quickly, and Jang Ho-joon refuted, saying, `Who does your husband lean on then?' But how do you care about that. I'm so busy that I'm going to die," he burst into laughter.