The Jongwon Baek finally exploded with anger. "Are you here to promote friendship?" ('Les Misérables')

Nov 28, 2024

The Jongwon Baek finally exploded with anger. 'Are you here to promote friendship?' ('Les Misérables')

From the first episode of 'Jongwon Baek's Les Misérables', the Jongwon Baek is angry.

ENA 'Jongwon Baek's Les Misérables', which will premiere at 8:30 p.m. on Saturday, the 30th, is a growth entertainment with a narrative and sincerity in which 20 challengers with short but intense narratives overcome the harsh Spartan-style missions to seize the first and last opportunity to turn their lives around.

Chef Kim Min-sung, (Meat Class), Chef David Lee, (Chinese Food Class), Chef Lim Tae-hoon, and Chef Yoon Nam-no, (Western Food Class), led by the representative of Jongwon Baek, the god of business, joined the show as the head chef, drawing hot attention even before the broadcast. Attention is focused on the first episode of "Jongwon Baek's Les Miserables" about what kind of business know-how and cooking know-how will be passed on to the 20 challengers who have experienced failure for different reasons by those who have achieved meaningful success in their respective fields.

In the meantime, the production team of 「Jongwon Baek's Les Misérables」 on November 28th said that Jongwon Baek, who leads the entire program from the first episode, was very angry, raising questions about the broadcast.

On this day's broadcast, the first face-to-face meeting of the representative of Jongwon Baek and the 20 challengers will be revealed. The set of 「Jongwon Baek's Les Misérables」, which was created by renovating a 40,000 pyeong abandoned factory, attracts attention by featuring 20 challengers with various stories. Surprised by the enormous size of the set, the 20-member challengers soon greet each other to hide the tension of survival. I can hear laughter everywhere.

At this time, the voice of the Jongwon Baek representative, who has not appeared, is heard from the air. In fact, Jongwon Baek was watching every move of the 20-man challenger from the beginning. From the moment the 20-man challenger entered the entrance, everything about them was subject to evaluation

Representative Jongwon Baek, who was uncomfortable with the appearance of the challengers who were quite different from what he expected before the full-fledged survival began, said "Please keep that in mind. You are not here to promote friendship." The scene quickly turns into an ice field due to Jongwon Baek's anger, which can be felt only by his voice.

How will the 20 challengers react to Jongwon Baek's anger. When and how will Jongwon Baek representative appear before the 20-member challenger. What is the first Spartan mission that Jongwon Baek CEO presented to a 20-man challenger. The first face-to-face scene between the Jongwon Baek representative and the 20-member challenger, filled with close tension and crisis, can be found on ENA 'Jongwon Baek's Les Miserables', which airs at 8:30 p.m. on Saturday, November 30.

Meanwhile, in the teaser released earlier, the appearance of 'No. 9 Disposal Boy Stealer' was predicted, sparking controversy. Along with the phrase "boy thief" in the video, he said "Devil with No. 9 disposition", and some netizens expressed anger, saying "Why give the perpetrator a chance to turn his or her life around."

Disposition 9 is the second strongest punishment among dispositions 1-10 imposed on juvenile offenders, and some pointed out that "Didn't you think of the victim?" However, producer Han Kyung-hoon responded, "We have filtered out all those who do not meet social standards, and there are some who came to the filming site and died as it was."I can't tell you that there is no reason for disqualification, but I can tell you that they have room for thinking, 'That friend had a reason for that?'" he explained.