54-year-old daughter Park Soo-hong ♥ Kim Daye almost died while giving birth, and tried to follow her

Dec 29, 2024

54-year-old daughter Park Soo-hong ♥ Kim Daye almost died while giving birth, and tried to follow her

Park Soo-hong, a broadcaster, recalled the painful birth of his wife, Kim Daye.

On the 28th, YouTube channel 'Applause Hong is happyA video titled 「50 Days After Life」 was posted in the book Hong\.

In the video, Park Soo-hong and Kim Daye, who turned 50 days old, and Jay, the daughter of Kim Daye couple, showed their cute appearance by doing a timer.

To celebrate Jay's 50th day, Son Heon-soo and his wife visited Park Soo-hong. Son Heon-soo's wife was about to give birth, and Park Soo-hong gave advice to the two as seniors of parenting.

54-year-old daughter Park Soo-hong ♥ Kim Daye almost died while giving birth, and tried to follow her
Park Soo-hong then hugged Son Heon-soo and said, `We, who were non-maritalists, can't believe we became children's dads. I almost died without being so happy," he said, expressing his overwhelming feelings.

Park Soo-hong also said, `I will do my best to help with childcare"Go away, non-maritalism. Let's do something big for a country with a low birth rate." At the same time, Son Heon-soo's wife was cheered and warmed up by saying, "Sun-san Sun-san".

Kim Daye looks at Son Heon-soo's wife and says, "I'm in such a good condition. I feel like I'm looking at myself. I feel sorry. It feels like a king." Park Soo-hong responded, saying, `Don't worry too much because the emperor is different for each person. Daye didn't get hit, but the other person ran around after two days."

54-year-old daughter Park Soo-hong ♥ Kim Daye almost died while giving birth, and tried to follow her
54-year-old daughter Park Soo-hong ♥ Kim Daye almost died while giving birth, and tried to follow her
Son Heon-soo, who was listening to this, said to Park Soo-hong, "'Heon-soo, Daye almost died.. I was going to die when Daye died..Don't do cesarean section, Heon-soo,' Park Soo-hong said, crying and reenacting the call shortly after Kim Daye's birth, drawing laughter.

Meanwhile, Park Soo-hong married Kim Daye, who is 23 years younger, the following year after registering his marriage in 2021. Since then, Kim Daye succeeded in becoming pregnant through in vitro procedures, and held her daughter Jay in her arms last October.
