Trunk'Share 'Wonderful Man Park Chung-hee's remark explained after 20 years.."Think of it as Sing-soo and happening"
Dec 05, 2024
Gong Yoo met with Sports Chosun at a cafe in Jongno-gu, Seoul on the morning of the 5th and interviewed Netflix's original series 'Trunk' (written by Park Eun-young and directed by Kim Kyu-tae).
Gong Yoo said in an interview with a media outlet in 2005 that 'The three men you think are the coolest?The fact that 'my father, Michael Jordan, and Park Chung-hee' was answered to the question ' is once again drawing criticism from the public. Former President Park Chung-hee is a symbol of the military dictatorship, and President Yoon's declaration of emergency martial law took place 45 years after the death of former President Park Chung-hee in 1979.
As Gong Yoo's remarks came to the surface again late, suspicions began to arise that he was supporting the `Dictatorship' regime\`emergency martial law`. Some have questioned Gong Yoo's historical perception and have begun to move to demand an explanation for the remarks.
Sharing is not so unfair, but I don't think it's been as frequent as you said, but I also thought that I was being used politically in any political issue or situation. Because I'm a celebrity. Because he's a real celebrity. I've never said my intentions and intentions on a real YouTube channel, but I feel like I'm being lined up because it's enlarged and various interpretations are added. Of course, it's inconvenient."
'Trunk' is a story surrounding a suspicious trunk that suddenly rises to the lake one day, depicting a mysterious event and a wave of emotions that takes off the veil with a secret hidden in it. It is a secret marriage where real and fake are intertwined, and it deeply and densely captures mixed emotions in a mixed relationship. In particular, the unpredictable narratives and developments that go back and forth between the past and the present, and the emotional lines of complex and multifaceted characters are drawing attention from viewers and critics around the world.
Seo Hyun-jin played the role of a woman who became alone because of her marriage, and Gong Yoo played the role of a man who got married and became terribly lonely. Above all, the process of recovering and healing through Han Jung-won (Sharing) by Noh In-ji (Seo Hyun-jin), who chose "term marriage" as his job while feeling guilty and hurt after failing in his first marriage, and Han Jung-won, who repeated sleeplessness and nightmares every night due to the trauma of his childhood, saved himself through Noh In-ji.