Jung Jihyun, the unexpected reason for leaving Taereung...Shock Confession "I lost all my money in coins." ('Survival King')

Dec 08, 2024

Jung Jihyun, the unexpected reason for leaving Taereung...Shock Confession 'I lost all my money in coins.' ('Survival King')

'Gold wrestler'Jung Ji-hyun confesses that he lost all his fortune in coins'

On the 9th (Monday), TV CHOSUN's first full-fledged jungle survival 'Survival King: Tribal War', the jungle team and the military team will prepare for the match with their own routines ahead of the final. Jung Ji-hyun passed on the routines of the national team players he learned in Taereung to Kim Byung-man X Kim Dong-joon of the same team. He added "It's a routine you have to do when you go to a big game. I will definitely win first place,' he said, expressing his sincerity about the final as much as he did when he was active.

Kim Dong-joon was surprised at the core training against gravity, saying, `Ji-hyun, you are not No. 1 in the world for no reason.' However, Kim Byung-man said, `When I went to Taereung, this training was for children,' adding that the real national team training was much harsher. At the same time, Kim Byung-man thought, "I usually play as a coach for a long time, but (Jung Ji-hyun) came out early when I said, 'Bro, I'm out of Taereung now.'" Is there a story?"I was curious about the story of Jung Ji-hyun, who did not have a very long coaching career after he retired as a player at the 2014 Incheon Asian Games. Jung Jihyun says, "Can I say this..."It was because of the coin. I lost my entire fortune by touching the coin incorrectly, which shocked me.

Jung Jihyun, the unexpected reason for leaving Taereung...Shock Confession 'I lost all my money in coins.' ('Survival King')
Kim Byung-man, who was embarrassed by Jung Ji-hyun's confession, said "There are colorful periods like flowers, and petals fall and are skinny, but there are remaining periods. This is the loneliest time. When it's fancy, bees come...When it's not flashy, bees don't come." Let's have a salty atmosphere. Jung Ji-hyun says, "Let's train now!"I tried to change the atmosphere in a hurry. Kim Byung-man X Jung Ji-hyun X Kim Dong-joon, who returned to the world of victory, warmed up with Taereung Training Center-level training.

Meanwhile, Lee Seung-gi, Kang Min-ho, and Amoti, the military team of 'King of Strategies', also began warming up by strengthening teamwork with morning reports. The team that will be born after the final match will be revealed on TV CHOSUN Entertainment 'Survival King: Tribal War', which will air at 10 p.m. on the 9th (Monday).
