'Leaving Turbo' Kim Jung-nam, who has been alone for 20 years, was cheated by Kim Jong-guk..10th year of panic disorder serious"('special world')

Dec 06, 2024

'Leaving Turbo' Kim Jung-nam, who has been alone for 20 years, was cheated by Kim Jong-guk..10th year of panic disorder serious'('special world')

Kim Jung-nam from Turbo confessed that he had been scammed as much as 200 million won.

Kim Jung-nam appeared on MBN 'Special World' which aired on the 5th to share his current situation.

On this day, Kim appeared at a small fishing village village hall in Tongyeong.

Kim Jung-nam challenged why he worked at a scallop farm because he thought it would be a job where he could live a second life" he said.

However, Kim Jung-nam went to the night stage event alone at night. It's already been nearly 20 years since the night stage event.

'Leaving Turbo' Kim Jung-nam, who has been alone for 20 years, was cheated by Kim Jong-guk..10th year of panic disorder serious'('special world')
As for the reason for leaving Turbo, Kim Jong-nam said, `I was hosting a program with Kim Jong-guk when prosecution investigators came in. Before that, what would our hearts be like to come to the PD case at a time when bad things are happening. I thought, 'Something really must have gone wrong.' So I ran away then."

Kim Jong-nam then said "Kim Jong-guk was in contact with the company that was originally there. Turns out it was the first time we had been scammed."

Kim Jung-nam also said, `There was not much profit compared to the harsh schedule", he confessed to the difficult situation at the time.

Kim Jung-nam, who ended up with panic disorder due to a series of fraudulent damage, has been taking medicine for 10 years. I used to eat it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, but now I only ate dinner. I couldn't cure it. It seems that there is a stone ball near the solar plexus. With this stone in it, I can feel my heart falling to the floor. Since then, my heart is racing. I don't know what to do. I feel anxious even when I sit and stand. If you take medicine, you have no choice but to sleep."

Kim Jung-nam, who said he was cheated after leaving the team, said, `The truth is that we only know how to dance and sing. 'Let's start a business' and get scammed 'Let's release a record' and then it's my area, and I got scammed there as well. He added, "(The amount of fraud) is nearly 200 million won if you pay for it because you need to be paid to do PR."
