Lee Young-ji Donates KRW 40 Million to Support Children with Cancer

Dec 10, 2024

 Lee Young-ji Donates KRW 40 Million to Support Children with Cancer

Rapper Lee Young-ji and his web entertainment show 「"There is no rat or horn"」 (hereinafter referred to as Cha Jug-gon) recently donated KRW 40 million to the Korea Leukemia Children's Foundation (Chairman Oh Yeon-cheon), a non-profit organization specializing in childhood cancer.

10 million won will be provided for the treatment, transplantation, and rehabilitation of children undergoing treatment for childhood cancer and rare and incurable diseases, and the remaining 30 million won will be provided for the production of 300 boxes of the new patient kit support project 'Together Hope Box' to the family of patients in the early stages of diagnosis who are having an anxious time due to the sudden onset of their children.

The donation was made by adding the proceeds from the sale of limited edition goods of 'Chazugon' from November 16 to December 1 and the personal donations of host Lee Young-ji.

Seo Sun-won, secretary-general of the Korea Leukemia Children's Foundation, said, `I am grateful to the 'Chajugon' program and rapper Lee Young-ji for expressing his strong support to the families of children with cancer who are facing an unfamiliar life and a different environment.' `I hope this news of donation at the end of this year will be a moment for many to think about children with cancer and their families.'

 Lee Young-ji Donates KRW 40 Million to Support Children with Cancer
Since 1991, the Korea Leukemia Children's Foundation has been supporting various psychological and social programs, including treatment costs, as a support organization specializing in childhood cancer patients and families in Korea.

Meanwhile, 'Chazu Gone' has been meeting with subscribers through behind-the-scenes videos since the end of season 3 in late November, and rapper Lee Young-ji will meet fans on tvN 'PyongPyong Earth Entertainment Room 3' in the first half of 2025.
