"Newzins, change your name..." Point out the legal profession →I didn't mention the team name at the Asso performance (Roundup)

Dec 09, 2024

'Newzins, change your name...' Point out the legal profession →I didn't mention the team name at the Asso performance  (Roundup)

Newzins, a group that is in exclusive contract dispute with its agency, Adore, took the stage as a concert guest for Japanese unit band Yoavo in Korea and introduced themselves without leaving out the group name.

The New Jeans was held at Inspire Arena in Jung-gu, Incheon on the 7thAsobi Asia Tour 2024-2025 Surreal/Super-Gendez' appeared as a guest on the first day of the concert in Korea.

On this day, Newzins appeared on stage singing their song "How Sweet" Shall we all say hello together?````````. However, the members did not mention the group name 'Newzins', so they only introduced themselves individually as Hye-in, Daniel, Min-ji, and Hae-rin.

Since then, the members have never mentioned their group's name even during the Yoavo and talk time. This is interpreted as the fact that Newzins is in dispute after announcing the termination of its exclusive contract with its agency, Adore.

'Newzins, change your name...' Point out the legal profession →I didn't mention the team name at the Asso performance  (Roundup)
Newzins held an emergency press conference at somewhere in Gangnam, Seoul on the 28th of last month and announced that it would terminate its exclusive contract with Adore from midnight on November 29, the next day. They said "Dore did not fulfill his duty as an agency"He argued that the requirements for corrective action to Adore have not been improved. At the same time, he strongly criticized that `Dore has neither the will nor the ability to protect Newzins.'

In particular, Hye-in "If it goes past midnight, we may not be able to use the name Newzins. However, the essence of Newzins does not change, and we do not intend to give up the name of Newzins. "We will try to secure the right to the name Newzins because it is not a trademark issue, but a name that contains everything from the first time the five of us met until now."

Later, Adore said on the 3rd that it filed a lawsuit with the Seoul Central District Court to confirm the validity of the exclusive contract in order to be clearly judged legally that the exclusive contract with Newzins will remain valid.

"We did not want the issue with the artist to be resolved through legal judgment, but we made the inevitable decision because we needed to confirm to the artist as well as to the various stakeholders that the exclusive contract between the company and the artist would not be terminated lightly by one party's claim alone," Adore said.

Nevertheless, Newzins issued a statement on the 6th, saying, `Doer cannot interfere or intervene in our activities"There is no longer a reason to work with Adore and Hive as specified in the exclusive contract. " The exclusive contract clearly states that we can terminate the contract if Adore fails to fulfill its obligations under the contract."

However, legal experts pointed out legal issues related to the team name of Newzins and expressed concern about the direction of future activities.

In particular, lawyer Lee Ji-hoon of Law & More, a law firm, should change his name, not Newzins, if he is active on his YouTube channel 'knowing lawyer' on the 6th. Newzins claims to have duly given notice of termination based on the contract. Then, as in the contract, trademarks or intellectual property rights for copyrights and names are, of course, in Adore. The contract is terminated, but if the name Newzins is not given up, liability for damages may arise. You have to look at the contract to see if you can do entertainment activities. If intellectual property rights are in Odor, they shouldn't even sing."
