Kim Seul-ki Legendary Comic Acting Replays...The Secret of the Flower of Comedy Play Confirmed to Appear as Gina
Dec 16, 2024
Set in Villaperosa, a small town in northwestern Italy, "Secrets of Flowers" (directed by Jang Jin-jin) is a comedy about patriarchal husbands who were into soccer and neglected their housework disappear in an accident overnight, and it cheerfully unravels the absurd fuss of having to cheat everyone for a day to get insurance money.
Kim Seul-ki meets with the audience as the youngest of the four housewives. The versatile Gina, who graduated from the engineering college at the top, is an all-around MacGyver who can fix anything, and many people are looking forward to the character as she will be reborn with Kim Seul-ki's unique and lovely performance.
Until now, Kim Seul-ki has been loved for building his characters vividly with cheerful and slick performances such as dramas 'Love the Law', 'The Man's Memorabilia', 'The Three Color Fantasy - Queen of the Rings', 'Oh My Ghost', 'Discovery of Love', movies 'Highway Family' and 'Romance Without Love'. In addition, he expanded his acting career firmly and sincerely across genres from the plays 'Finding Happiness', 'Grandfather Henry and I', 'Return to Hamlet', and the musical 'December'.
In particular, Kim Seul-ki, who entered the theater stage in the last five years with 'Finding Happiness', breathed breath into the character with delicate acting, leaving a deep resonance in the audience. It has been highly praised for acting 'Eunsu', which was lost due to the death of her husband, and convincingly unfolding the emotional change of a character who cut off from the world and lost his direction in life.
Meanwhile, the play 'Secrets of Flowers' will be performed at the Link Art Center Bugs Hall from February 8 to May 11 next year.