Park Ha-sun Exposes Abuse of Powerful Abuse "Famous Cho Director Throws Ash-Tray "('Hidden Eye')
Dec 09, 2024
MBC Everyone Crime Analysis Commentary Show 'Hidden Eye', which aired on the 9th, dealt with 'bullying in the workplace'.
The atrocities of the chairman of a small and medium-sized company, who wielded violence against employees for poor performance on the data screen, were disclosed.
At the same time, Park Ha-sun revealed the shocking incident of throwing an ashtray at her at the audition.
Park Ha-sun once said, "I almost got hit by that ashtray"I went to the audition, but I came out early to avoid traffic congestion. I arrived comfortably, and as soon as I arrived, something flew in. When I avoided it, the ashtray was broken. Director Cho shouted 'Why are you late?' It's unfair, but I apologized for now"I explained the situation at the time.
He "It was an audition for a famous movie. I responded calmly on the spot and cried after the audition. The manager said he arrived late, too. I was so sad that I went into the car and cried a lot"But that's too much."