"The contract is terminated, the door support is okay"New Jin's selective communication, Min Hee-jin suspicions → Will it be overturned

Dec 03, 2024

'The contract is terminated, the door support is okay'New Jin's selective communication, Min Hee-jin suspicions → Will it be overturned

The music industry rose up in the group New Jin's dispute.

The aftermath of the dispute between Newzins and his agency, Adore, has been on for five days.

Newzins announced that it will terminate its exclusive contract with Adore effective on the 29th of last month. The members argued that there was no reason to pay a separate lawsuit or penalty as the contract was terminated due to reasons attributable to Audor. Odor repeatedly appealed to clear up the misunderstanding through dialogue, but Newzins was determined to be wise, saying, `It is excruciating mental suffering to maintain an exclusive contract with Theodore.'

However, it is known that Newzins is carrying out the rest of the schedule with the support of the adore staff. After the press conference, they left for Japan with the staff and are working on music broadcasts.

If the exclusive contract has already been terminated, there will be no reason for Adore to support Newzins. As the trademark and IP of Newzins are also attributed to Adore, it cannot be used at will by Newzins. As such, it is a very ironic move for New Jeans to work with the staff of Audor.

'The contract is terminated, the door support is okay'New Jin's selective communication, Min Hee-jin suspicions → Will it be overturned
In response, the Korea Management Association (hereinafter referred to as Han Mae-yeon) issued a lengthy statement on the dispute between Adore and Newzins on the 3rd. The association said "Newzins' claim to terminate the contract is absurd. The claim that the exclusive contract can be terminated only by declaration in the event of a dispute has fatal consequences for the Korean pop culture and arts industry. The company has no choice but to become an underdog of the exclusive contract as long as it has invested first. However, the current law does not take any action in consideration of the company's position. If you want to terminate the contract maliciously, there is nothing you can do to maintain the contract other than to finally claim damages. In this respect, the current Newzins-like approach is a very malicious way to shake the foundations of our pop culture and arts industry. "I hope Newzins will withdraw its existing position and respond to the conversation with the company."

To make matters worse, the noise surrounding Min Hee-jin, former CEO of Airdo, continues. A media outlet raised suspicions of tamping on the 2nd, saying that former CEO Min was already aware of the members' emergency live broadcasts and attendance at the parliamentary audit, and had a meeting with the chairman of an investment company with the introduction of a member's uncle.

In response, former CEO Min sued two reporters who wrote the article, former Hive CEO Park Ji-won and Hive's top public relations officer Park Tae-hee. However, he did not provide an explanation for the allegations.
