Solbi's slim body after losing 18kg..."Exercise more to maintain"

Dec 09, 2024

Solbi's slim body after losing 18kg...'Exercise more to maintain'

Singer and painter Solbi revealed the daily life of 'Uzitter'.

Solbi begins on the 9th with a tennis exercise for the week. I think healthy habits also make your mind clear. Hope you have a refreshing Monday as well,' he posted several photos.

The photo shows Solbi playing tennis in a sleeveless tennis dress. Solbi, who succeeded in losing 18kg by dieting, confidently reveals her outstretched angular beauty and slim forearms, and still maintains a slim body, arousing admiration.

Solbi's slim body after losing 18kg...'Exercise more to maintain'
Solbi exercises harder to maintain " I have to take care of myself more in the winter", showing off the face of a professional 'Uzitter".

Meanwhile, Solbi is communicating with fans through the YouTube channel 'Visang Solbi'.