Kim Jong-guk, Cha Tae-hyun, and Yoo Jae-seok also acknowledged that they will become grandfathers at the end of this year (when they meet)

Jan 22, 2025

Kim Jong-guk, Cha Tae-hyun, and Yoo Jae-seok also acknowledged that they will become grandfathers at the end of this year (when they meet)

Kim Jong-guk was choked up by the 'LA rumor' spread because of Cha Tae-hyun.

Kim Jong-guk and Cha Tae-hyun appeared in SBS 'Whenever I Have a Time', which aired on the 21st.

Kim Jong-guk, who runs a soccer team, asked "If you get married later, you can't usually go (to play soccer) because of your wife." Then Cha Tae-hyun rebuked "What are you talking about about marriage?", and Yoo Jae-seok also helped "Just go out with a relationship".

Yoo Yeon-seok, who was listening to this, asked "Didn't you say there was a woman in LA?" and Yoo Jae-seok "There is a child in LA." he corrected himself. And Cha Tae-hyun said, "Now I'm going to be a grandfather."," he said, spreading rumors.

Kim Jong-guk pointed to Cha Tae-hyun, the main culprit of the rumor, saying, `Some people who are really old because of you think so. I can't tell what I don't know what to say." However, Cha Tae-hyun teased that he would become a grandfather by the end of the 25th year.

Kim Jong-guk, Cha Tae-hyun, and Yoo Jae-seok also acknowledged that they will become grandfathers at the end of this year (when they meet)
On the other hand, when Cha Tae-hyun talked about his age, his 40s passed by casually. How are you in your 50s?" Yoo Jae-seok said, "50 is not good. "It's my personal charge, but don't you feel a little uncomfortable when the front seat changes?" he answered honestly as a senior in his 50s. He then said to Kim Jong-guk and Cha Tae-hyun, who turned 50 this year, "I can't feel it right away because I'm 49 to 50 in my 50s, but I'm sure I'll find something different from my 40s someday."

Kim Jong-kook "But nothing much changed in his 40s. However, having a family and children in their 50s is a bit different from having a single person in their 50s." At the same time, he confessed, `I'm fine alone, but all my friends are married and have children, so I feel like I'm passing by myself.'

In response, Cha Tae-hyun said "It's okay. Don't you think (the other person) doesn't have to be first marriage?" and Kim Jong-guk said "Yes." I don't necessarily want it."

When asked about the conditions of the marriage partner he wanted, Kim Jong-guk said, `I hope you will respect the other person's happiness," he replied. As soon as he heard this, Cha Tae-hyun straightened out, "'I'm telling you not to mind your own exercise.'" Kim Jong-guk said, "'Marriage is a sacrifice, of course, but one thing the other person must keep is...'," he explained.

Cha Taehyun said, "What if my wife goes fishing, exercising, and drinking?"I questioned him, and Kim Jong-guk responded, "Why does my wife live so far?", drawing laughter.

Kim Jong-guk, Cha Tae-hyun, and Yoo Jae-seok also acknowledged that they will become grandfathers at the end of this year (when they meet)
Meanwhile, the four people who sat on the heated bench at the bus stop were amazed. In particular, Kim Jong-guk "Korea is crazy." Can the world be this good to live in. It's a bit unfair. We didn't even have chairs in our time" expressed surprise. Then "Does it turn off when there are no people?" It's a waste to keep it on,' he said, revealing the appearance of 'Salty Jongguk'.

Yoo Yeon-seok wondered if Kim Jong-guk was heating his house, and Yoo Jae-seok came forward instead and said, `It's much warmer over there than Jong-guk's house. They can't hit the bottom. It's a cold bone."

Then Kim Jong-kook "It's only in the living room. You can wear a long padded jacket in the living room"I don't understand heating the big living room when I live alone. If there are more than two people, it's worth turning on the heating, but if I'm alone, I can bear it.' "I'm afraid you'll misunderstand, but when I get married, I turn on the heating because we share it, but I don't need it at all because I live alone."," he stressed. In response, Cha Tae-hyun "Stop it. Don't do it. You really can't get married. Just tell a lie. Say it's warm in the house now," he said, dissuading him with laughter.