Myung Seo-hyun ♥ When you flirt with Jung Dae-se, an engagement article with another person comes out..I think I was tricked
Jan 23, 2025
On the 22nd, MBN 's quick show Dongchimi' discovered an engagement article with another woman while having a fling with Myung Seo-hyun and her husband, Jeong Dae-se?!posted a video titled '
Myung Seo-hyun searched Jung Dae-se on a portal site at a time when he was wondering if he should go out with Jung just before dating. Then there was an article at the top, and (Jung Dae-se) talked about his girlfriend who even promised to get engaged on a program. It was even a few months ago that it went on air. That's why I thought I was tricked."
At the same time, he asked "I thought I shouldn't cross the line because I thought I was a two-legged man, so I was going to organize it 'Daese, there was someone to get engaged with, am I a second?" Then my husband broke up before, and now he's clean. It's not the second. I believed that and started dating."
Then "I was so offended in the bride's waiting room. My husband came in wearing a tuxedo and asked me to correct the article because there were reporters when the article came out a year older, but why should I say that my wife was born in 1987. People said they were not interested in us and moved on.
Myung Seohyun entered the bride in a sullen state and got married. But then everyone who sees me says I look young. I hated it more and more because he said, 'You look younger than I thought. I'm still in my 30s, but at my current age, I'm turning 42."