Rumors of New Jin's departure from Australia spread as New Jin's illegal stay was reported..Measures when immigration is cleared
Jan 10, 2025
The Ministry of Justice's Seoul Immigration Office investigation department said in a national newspaper on the 10th that `We will take measures accordingly as soon as the employment relationship between the parties is settled.'
Hani is not a Korean, but a dual Australian and Vietnamese national and needs an extension of 'E-6 visa' to continue to stay in Korea and be a singer.
Behind the anonymous citizen's reporting of Hani as an illegal immigrant, Newzins, including Hani, said in late November that he was `no longer affiliated with Adore.' On December 13th, within 15 days of the date they claimed, they have to return their alien registration cards and they are seen with each other to confirm whether they are.
Hani was issued a visa through the existing adore, and since there have been comments that she is fulfilling the specific schedule set by adore, her visa is known to expire in January 2025, so it does not appear to be a documentally actual illegal stay period.
However, there has been a controversy among fans recently over the rumor that Hani left for Australia.
On the same day, YouTuber Entertainment du President Lee Jin-ho asked Audor whether Hani would leave the country, but he received an answer that he did not know where the member was at the moment because he had carried out the previously scheduled schedule at Doror. In the meantime, it has been possible to check the movement through working-level officials to handle the door schedule, but he said he can't contact him now.
"At Dorr, all the preparations for visa renewal have been made," he said. "But I'm not meeting the members."
He also added, `There are rumors in the advertising world that Newzins advertisements are being cut off, so he also tried to check with Audor, but Audor is keeping his mouth shut, revealing his position to protect his singers.'
Since Hani is in a hurry to renew her visa, it is burdensome for her to announce her separation from Odor and request an extension of her visa, and to sign an exclusive contract with a new agency first among the members. If Hani is true to have left the country, it will take two to three months to see her activities later even if she gets a visa from her new agency.
Meanwhile, Newzins is operating independently, saying that its exclusive contract with Adore has been terminated as of November 29. On the other hand, Odor said "We are preparing documents for visa extension in accordance with the procedure because the exclusive contract with Newzins is still valid."