The rude attitude of MBC 'Today N' PD is drawing a lot of criticism from viewers. As a result, a complaint was filed with the Korea Communications Standards Commission.
In the 'Good or Not' section of MBC 'Today N', which aired on the 1st, the PD visited the house of the main character living in the countryside. When the producer says that the main character owns three houses, "You must have some money. Do you have a lot of money?", the main character says "Warm and healthy. "Don't you go to the loess room a lot?" introduces the loess room "I don't go very well." I'm not old enough to like the loess room yet."
Also, the main character showed the oyster mushroom grown by himself to the producer and said, "I'll pack it for you when I go because I can't see it in Seoul."Let's say ", the PD is "It's all in the Seoul mart. What is the difference?" Not only that, but you have to move your hands and feet well when you get olderThe PD's remarks between 'joking' and 'rude' made viewers feel displeased, saying to the main character who plays drums as a hobby, "Isn't it okay to work in the field?"
After the broadcast, there was a flood of criticism on the viewer's comment board 'Today N'. "What's with the PD's personality!!", "Ojisanal PD is rude and unpleasant","Didn't my Jinjin know the problem?","Did you go to Grandpa to argue with him?"," We ask for PD's apology and replacement."There was an outpouring of words such as ". In the end, "We have received a complaint from the Board of AppealsThere is also a text that reads ". The author has filed a complaint with the Commission," he said, encouraging people to accept complaints.
Meanwhile, 'Today N' is the number one program that delivers comfortable and informative friends and high-quality information from viewers who do not miss all the fun and news of the world running anywhere there is a hot topic.