Compared to other celebrities who are prettier in real life, number one (Kim Young-chul Original)

Feb 21, 2025

Compared to other celebrities who are prettier in real life, number one (Kim Young-chul Original)

Kim Young-chul picked Kim Hee-sun as the prettiest celebrity in person.

On the 21st, a video was posted on the YouTube channel 'Kim Young-chul Original' under the title of 'How do you feel about Kim Young-chul's SNS nationality controversy? (Misunderstanding and Truth)'.

Kim Young-chul, who visited a good restaurant in the video, was asked if there was a close celebrity among the stars in the mainstream advertisement posters on the wall. In response, Kim Young-chul said, "How can you not have a single celebrity you're close to"Gong Yoo used to play basketball together when he was in Gong Ji-cheol." There was a celebrity basketball team. It was when I was with Son Ji-chang, and that was before Gong Yoo was active as he is now. I contacted him at that time."

Compared to other celebrities who are prettier in real life, number one (Kim Young-chul Original)
Kim Young-chul also said "I was trying to cross the signal at the Hak-dong intersection, but a celebrity who didn't wear any makeup came and said "Hello, brother". It was Irene. I really didn't put on any makeup, but it was Irene. It was so pretty that he said 'You're always pretty' She was so pretty even without makeup." She praised Irene's appearance.

Then "There are celebrities who are prettier in real life. As I always mention, Kim Hee-sun is number one compared to young celebrities these days. I made my debut in 1999, and I saw her in the 20th and 21st centuries, and Kim Hee-sun was the prettiest." He added that `Ahn Yu-jin and Karina are pretty among celebrities these days.'