Lee Si-eon reveals her 2.5 billion Han River view house and writes a review as if she suddenly visited my house

Feb 21, 2025

Lee Si-eon reveals her 2.5 billion Han River view house and writes a review as if she suddenly visited my house

Actor Lee Si-eon revealed his new house

On the 20th, a video titled 'Shian School' was posted on YouTube channel 'Hwaje (?) Lee Si-eon's new house, five real friends of the actors, and even the dopamine explosion Yutnori'.

Lee Si-eon, who met the production team at home, said "It's been a while since the house has been cleaned up. I didn't want to make the house public"I went out on YouTube and woke up, and bloggers left reviews as if they were visiting my house."

I was surprised at Yi Si-eon. How do you know everything so thoroughly. I think you're really amazing"Now that it's like this, I'm going to invite my four real friends to have a housewarming party first. Before that, when I watched MZ YouTube, they had an online housewarming party. I'm going to try it, too."

Lee Si-eon reveals her 2.5 billion Han River view house and writes a review as if she suddenly visited my house
Lee Si-eon even has a separate room for figures. From figures containing memories of a baby to a statue of a grandmother in Japanese Military Sexual Slavery, it was enshrined. Lee Si-eon came out to the living room and said, `The reason I like this house the most is the corridor style. The view of my house from here is the best. He boasted the full view of the Han River.

Lee Si-eon, who even cleaned the house from time to time while explaining the house, said "I've become neat. You may not believe it, but I have become a person who cannot live without cleaning."

Meanwhile, Lee Si-eon purchased an apartment in Heukseok-dong, Dongjak-gu for 2.48 billion won in July last year under the joint name of his wife, actor Seo Ji-seung.
