The monthly sales are 100 million won, but the balance is 9 won...Han Hye-jin is the most afraid of money for a president who is worried about bankruptcy.
Feb 05, 2025
SBS PLUS" which aired on the 4th, featured a president who was concerned about closing despite high sales.
The owner, who runs a night snack restaurant with as many as 20 menus, was struggling with debt, saying that even with high monthly sales, the only answer is bankruptcy. The boss "I don't think sales are small. But there were times when the employee's salary was pushed back. As we tried to draw in scarce funds, we were surprised by saying that all loans were full right before the loan.
However, the owner's store was running so well that its weekly sales alone were 13.55 million won. Daily sales were never less than 1 million won. But why did the boss think about closing the business.
Yoo Jeong-soo, who ate the owner's food, said "I think it's a really recommended dish when comparing the price" he complimented. But the boss wasn't managing the cost. In response, Han Hye-jin thought of her self-employed brother and said, `But I think I know what it feels like. First of all, I have no physical strength. I'm tired because I'm directly managing and serving, and I don't know how to manage it,' he said. In response, Yoo Jeong-soo "So you have to study before starting a business. If you don't know how to make a cost chart, you can't start a business."
Han Hye-jin, who heard the boss's story, said "It's hard to say this, but she's fearless. I've made money since I was 17, but money is the scariest thing in the world."
Nevertheless, Yoo Jung-soo declared his boss alive, but it could be the saddest sentence of survival. It takes about two and a half years to be in the black in sales now. That is also the case when sales are well maintained now. I hope you keep it well and turn around the net profit" he said.