MBC has finally set up a fact-finding committee for Oyo Anna. Composition of internal and external 5
Feb 03, 2025
On the 3rd, MBC announced the members of the fact-finding committee in an official press release, along with consolation for the bereaved family.
MBC prays for the repose of the weatherman Oyoanna, and repeatedly offers his heartfelt condolences to the bereaved families""A fact-finding committee is officially launched to find out the truth of the deceased's death." he informed.
Following the decision to form a fact-finding committee to reveal the exact facts related to the death of the deceased on January 31, the selection of the investigation committee was completed during the holiday"Chae Yang-hee, lawyer of Hyemyeong Law Firm, was appointed as the chairman of the Truth Investigation Committee, and Jeong In-jin, lawyer of Barun Law Firm, was appointed as an outside member. Lawyer Chae and lawyer Chung are former prosecutors and judges, respectively, and MBC expects that they will be able to increase the fairness, reliability, and objectivity of the investigation," he added.
In addition, the head of the company's personnel affairs department and the head of the compliance-related department will also participate as members," he added.
The fact-finding committee said it plans to start full-fledged activities starting with the first meeting on February 5 (Wednesday) and complete the investigation as quickly and accurately as possible.
MBC said, `We feel very sorry for the deceased's death, and we will do our best to communicate with the bereaved families as much as possible during the investigation process so that the truth can be revealed"We will also actively discuss with the bereaved families how to include additional personnel recommended by the bereaved families as fact-finding committee members so that the results of the investigation can be understood."," he said.
Meanwhile, Oyo Anna joined the MBC open recruitment weatherman in 2021, but died suddenly in September last year. He was 28. The news of his death was belatedly announced in December, three months later, and the cause of death was not disclosed.
However, a recent report by the Maeil Shinmun suggested that the deceased had been bullied at work while he was alive, and the scandal grew. According to reports, the bereaved family is actually OAnna said she killed herself, adding that a 17-page suicide note was found on her mobile phone. Oyo Anna, who joined MBC in May 2021, said she had been bullied since March of the following year.
The bereaved family filed a civil suit against two alleged perpetrators at the Seoul Central District Court. In addition, a netizen filed a complaint with the Seoul Mapo Police Station and the Ministry of Employment and Labor against MBC President Ahn Hyung-joon and the head of the department through the National Newspaper. According to Article 76-3 of the Labor Standards Act, MBC has a legal obligation to immediately and thoroughly investigate reports of workplace harassment and to implement measures to protect victims. However, in this case, suspicions have been raised that these obligations have not been sufficiently fulfilled, requiring a close review of the 'response system within the organization' and the 'compliance with legal procedures'."