Si = Host's Wife Husband Is Stressed by Transmitting Genetic Diseases to Children (Lee Sook-cam)
Feb 20, 2025
On JTBC 'Departure Camp', which aired on the 20th, the final adjustment of the worried couple was carried out.
The worried couple saw each other's inner feelings in the psychophysiological test results. The husband, who mentioned his wife's health concerns, answered "No" when asked "Do you think your wife is going to the hospital with a fake illness?" When Seo Jang-hoon came out 'false', his wife cursed " but did not express it outwardly. He said, "I thought he could think like that because he is a dull person when he is sick."
The wife answered "No" when asked if she was living with her husband because she needed something to solve. Seo Jang-hoon "The result was clearly 'false" he informed. The husband was the subject of venting his anger at his wife's heart. In response, the husband "I wasn't surprised that the expected result came out. As expected, I thought I was right."
In addition, the wife answered "Yes" when asked "Do you think the cause of worsening marital relations is due to your husband with neurofibromatous hereditary diseases?" The wife said "I would have felt sorry for my husband if he had the disease, but I think he was extremely sensitive because it was passed on not only to my husband but also to my children."
The wife brought a cell phone containing 31 conditions she wanted from her husband and mentioned prohibiting lying, sharing movements, thanking her mother-in-law, and prohibiting showing others. Seo Jang-hoon "I think I can make 50 if I make it that way. Jinju also pointed out his wife's behavior, saying, "It's not easy."
The husband said that his wife blamed her husband's disease neurofibroma a lot when she was arguing with him, and asked him not to curse his in-laws. The wife explained to her mother-in-law that she described her as a host `The reason I cursed my mother-in-law was because my husband cursed at my mother first.' The husband also mentioned that he wants his wife not to put a handwritten poster with his husband's fault on the front of the house and to be familiar with parenting-related methods.
The husband shed tears when he heard that his wife's intention to divorce was 0% and vowed "I'm sorry for provoking your sensitivity and I'll try to be a good husband"