Butter-free butter beer guilty...Urban Zakapa Park Yong-in Appeals for 2 Years of Suspension

Mar 03, 2025

The butter beer case of Park Yong-in of the group Urban Zakapa will be transferred to the appeals court.

According to the legal community on the 3rd, the prosecution appealed on February 24 against Park Yong-in, who is suspected of violating the Food Labeling and Advertising Act, being sentenced to probation.

On Feb. 18, the Seoul Eastern District Court sentenced Park to eight months in prison and two years of probation. In accordance with the punishment regulations that punish both illegal actors and corporations, the Virtue Company, where Park Yong-in is serving as a representative, was fined 10 million won.

The court advertised that the letter 'Bør(Butter)' was marked large and that certain flavors were listed on the butter base, even though the product did not contain butter. This is a false exaggeration advertisement that caused consumers to misunderstand that the product had butter in it."

The defendants then issued a false statement that not only undermined consumer confidence and undermined fair trade order, but also added butter to all products to avoid controversy after the indictment, it pointed out.

However, he explained the reason for the sentencing, considering that Park Yong-in had no history of being punished for the same crime and that the violations were corrected.

Park Yong-in was accused of advertising as if he used butter as a raw material while selling beer at convenience stores and others from May 2022 to January 2023.
