Oyo Anna's workplace harassment is filed, and the 27th is designated as a sentencing date

Mar 04, 2025

 Oyo Anna's workplace harassment is filed, and the 27th is designated as a sentencing date
Photo source=故오요Anna SNS Account

The bereaved families of the late Oyoanna MBC weatherman suspected of bullying in the workplace will be sentenced to a compensation suit against a fellow weatherman of Oyoanna on the 27th.

The Seoul Central District Court's Civil Agreement Department 48 (Chief Judge Kim Do-kyun) has set a deadline for the 27th for the damages filed by Oyoanna's bereaved families against fellow weatherman A.

It is reported that A did not submit an opinion to the court after the bereaved families filed a lawsuit. In response, the bereaved family submitted a request on the 27th of last month to designate a date for the sentence of the no-argument judgment, and the court later notified the date of the sentence.

If the defendant who has been sued does not submit an answer, the court makes a no-argument judgment to the effect of citing the plaintiff's claim that has filed the lawsuit without pleading.

Oyo Anna, who joined MBC as a weatherman for open recruitment in 2021 and announced her face through tvN entertainment program 'You Quiz on the Block' in 2022, suddenly passed away in September last year. The 17-page suicide note reportedly contained information that he had been bullied at work by his colleagues.

The bereaved families of the deceased filed a lawsuit against MBC's fellow weatherman A in the Seoul Central District Court in December last year to claim damages for workplace harassment.
