Park Ji-sung's best friend image, made with AI? (Man in Europe)
Mar 05, 2025
"'Man in Europe 2025', which will be released on U+TV and U+MobileTV on the 19th, is a football road variety about the journey of Park Ji-sung and his best friend and Patrice Evra to meet and inspire junior European Korean leaguers.
In the AI poster developed by LG U+ using AI and ixi, Man-in-Europe support vehicles are moving against the backdrop of various European landmarks, including Tower Bridge and London Eye in the UK. Various foods are also seen in the support vehicle with Park Ji-sung and Evra's uniforms hanging, provoking curiosity about Park Ji-sung's support. In particular, the landmarks in the background are clues to infer who the junior Korean leaguers Park Ji-sung and Evra will meet, adding to the fun.