Seungri's best friend Wang Jeondan was shocked to avoid arrest and military service on charges of attempted murder

Mar 04, 2025

Seungri's best friend Wang Jeondan was shocked to avoid arrest and military service on charges of attempted murder

The addition of attempted murder charges to Taiwanese actor Wang Ji-seon, who was accused of avoiding military service, shocked the public.

Local media, including ET Today, reported on the 4th that Wang Dae-yang was sent to the prosecution on charges of attempted murder. Wang recently flew back to Taiwan and booked an airport pickup through a ride-hailing platform, according to reports. However, Wang had a friction with the driver on the grounds that the calling vehicle did not meet his expectations, and later assaulted the driver and the person in charge of vehicle assignments by ordering an acquaintance. In the process, the driver was seriously injured, and Wang also filmed the assault.

Wang Continental was arrested on charges of attempted murder at his home after the incident became known while being investigated for avoiding military service. Wang Continental was arrested on the 18th of last month on charges of receiving false medical certificates from doctors to avoid military service and has been under police investigation. Later, Wang was released on bail of 150,000 yuan (Korean currency). He was scheduled to serve as an alternative service for a year after entering the military training center in Taichung, Taiwan, on the 13th.

Meanwhile, Wang is also a famous actor for his films such as `My Girls' Generation' and"Playful Kiss' among others. Wang, who became famous for his "Taiwan's First Love Actor", is also known as Seungri's best friend from Big Bang.