A 6-month-old baby 'Mongo half-point'...Mom'Suspected assault'Arrested

Jul 16, 2024

A 6-month-old baby  'Mongo half-point'...Mom'Suspected assault'Arrested
photo source=Daily Mail
The Mongolian spot on the body of a 6-month-old baby caused the mother of the child to be imprisoned for the charge of assault.

Lakshimi Thapa (29), who lives in Basingstoke, Hampshire, England, was detained on charges of assaulting a newborn and released 20 hours later, according to local media Daily Mail.

Originally from Nepal, she visited the hospital for her son's atopic examination, and was arrested by the police after a doctor's report.

It was because of the mongolian spot on his son's body.

The Mongolian spot is generally a blue spot distributed mainly on a baby's hips, back, and legs, and is named because it is one of the characteristics of the Mongolian race.

The medical staff misunderstood this as a sign of assault.

She explained that it was not a bruise from the assault, but a Mongo spot, but neither the medical staff nor the police believed it.

Not long after moving to the UK, police instructed her to sign an unknown document for her, who was not good at speaking and having trouble reading.

Also, the police should take their cell phones and bags and go to the detention center to investigate"I made a threat.

When asked why, the answer was "Because he abused the baby".

She fumed "The police had already concluded that it was assault" came from another country and were treated like criminals for different skin colors and languages".

Also, the family had no idea of her arrest.

Eventually, she was released on bail in 20 hours, with a lawyer and interpreter explaining on the phone. But I couldn't meet my son because of further investigation.

Later, the hospital admitted that they had made a mistake and held their son in his arms three days later.

She said that her son, who ate powdered milk during this time, had severe atopic dermatitis.

She said she was also afraid to go back to the hospital because of this incident.

Civic groups strongly protested to the hospitals and police in this regard and urged them to prevent a recurrence.
