A fishing boat with a whale on board, the capsized crew bounces off to the sea

Jul 25, 2024

A fishing boat with a whale on board, the capsized crew bounces off to the sea
photo source=Instagram, Daily Mail
A video of a whale riding on a boat and overturning it off the coast of the United States has become a hot topic.

According to foreign media such as WMUR-TV and the Daily Mail, a humpback whale climbed on the back of a small fishing boat off the coast of New Hampshire on the 23rd (local time).

The shock caused two people on board to fall into the sea and overturned the ship.

Fortunately, nearby ships witnessed the scene, calling the coast guard for help and saving two crew members.

The rescued sailors tried to keep their distance because they had seen whales this morning"But the whale suddenly appeared and pressed the ship's engine."

The Coast Guard said neither the crew nor the whales were injured in the accident.

Sarah Morris of the Shoals Marine Laboratory, New Hampshire, estimated that "the whale was likely feeding when it came into contact with the ship."

Meanwhile, killer whales are often known to attack ships, but humpback whales are generally said to approach ships only when they are curious.

Humpback whales are considered gentle, but experts advised that if you are swimming or riding a boat nearby, you may sometimes be hit by a tail, so you need to be careful.
