Adidas to use Palestinian models 'Hesemae'"Did you forget the 1972 Munich disaster?"

Jul 19, 2024

Adidas to use Palestinian models 'Hesemae''Did you forget the 1972 Munich disaster?'
A classic SL 72 sneaker commercial featuring Palestinian supermodel Bella Hadid.

Photo source = Adidas homepage
Adidas is in trouble by using Palestinian supermodel Bella Hadid as a promotional model.

According to foreign media such as USA Today and New York Post, Adidas re-released the classic SL 72 sneakers ahead of the 2024 Paris Olympics, featuring Bella Hadid (27) as a model.

These sneakers were first released for the 1972 Munich Olympics.

Eleven Israeli athletes and coaches were killed during the Munich Olympics by the Palestinian terrorist group 'Black Sept.

However, pro-Israel groups point out that the supermodel Bella Hadid, who was used as a promotional model, is of Palestinian descent and has a history of calling for violence against Israelis and Jews.

Bella Hadid, whose father is of Palestinian descent, has said she supports Palestinian relief efforts since Hamas attacked Israel in October 2023.

Bella Hadid appeared at the 2024 Cannes Film Festival in a dress made from kefiyet fabric, a traditional Palestinian costume, to symbolize support and solidarity with the Palestinians.

Earlier in 2021, she also participated in a protest march for Palestinian brothers.

Israel and pro-Israel groups are the most sensitive to Adidas' advertising.

An official social media account run by Israel's foreign ministry has asked Adidas to explain how she was able to be selected as a promotional model amid a war with Hamas.

The American Jewish Commission, a pro-Israel group, also criticized the Adidas' anachronistic advertising campaign.

In the wake of the controversy, Adidas issued an apology and a revised ad.

Adidas said "We know it has something to do with a tragic historical event"This was not completely intended and we apologize for the confusion and suffering. We are modifying our advertising campaign."

Foreign media pointed out that the SNS ad video featuring Hadid was deleted after Adidas' announcement, but it is still posted on its website.