All five tourist helicopter crashes in connection survive miraculously

Jul 22, 2024

All five tourist helicopter crashes in connection survive miraculously
photo source=Herian Metro
A tourist helicopter caught in a connection crashed in Bali, a famous Indonesian resort. Fortunately, all five people on board survived.

According to local media such as Herian Metro, a tourist helicopter took off from Uluwatu, Namkuta, Bali, Indonesia at around 2:33 p.m. on the 19th (local time) and crashed five minutes later in the nearby village of Pecatu.

At that time, there were a total of five people on the helicopter, including Indonesian pilots, flight attendants, passengers, and two Australian tourists. Two were reported to be seriously injured and three were reported to be minor.

The Air Transport Administration announced "It appears that the helicopter was caught in a connection and crashed"We are investigating to determine the exact cause of the accident"

It added that "We will conduct intensive publicity on the dangers of flying kites for aviation safety and security and strengthen monitoring through cooperation with the Bali authorities."