An 11-year-old 女 priest and a teacher who wrote 60 love letters are also arrested

Jul 12, 2024

An 11-year-old 女 priest and a teacher who wrote 60 love letters are also arrested
data photo source=Pixabay
A male teacher at an elementary school in the United States has been charged with writing and stalking more than 60 love letters to an 11-year-old girl.

The teacher is so passionate about education that he was once selected as the teacher of the year.

According to U.S. media outlets such as WIS-TV and The New York Post, Dukes, 27, a teacher at an elementary school in South Carolina, wrote more than 60 love letters and gave cards and gifts to an 11-year-old girl.

The 60 letters were organized so that they could be read by the day of the week.

He was also found to have given the girl an unwanted hug and stalked her by attending church events where she attended.

Upon receiving the report, the police found a large amount of photos of the girl in the teacher's belongings.

However, it is said that the photograph does not have a sexual character.

The girl's mother was shocked that her daughter had received countless love letters from an adult male""Whenever he appeared at his child's suburban events, he wondered. In the end, I found out that this was his obsession."

The teacher's lawyer urged "Please release him on bail because he has lived a sincere life to the extent that his client has been selected as Teacher of the Year in 2023 and there is no risk of escaping."

But the girl's parents opposed the bail, saying "I don't know the intent and extent of his obsession"I'm not sure I'm going to put my family in danger"

The judge imposed $50,000 bail on the teacher and stressed that even if he is released, he should not have any contact with the victim or her family.