Drunk driver drive-through stop 'Cool' Dulmi

Jul 09, 2024

Drunk driver drive-through stop 'Cool' Dulmi
Data source=Ansplash
A drunk driver was arrested after falling asleep in a drive-through.

According to CNN and other local media, a male driver was found asleep at about 10 a.m. on the 6th (local time) in the drive-through of 'Taco Bell' in Lakeland, Florida.

He stopped by this store to order food and fell asleep.

The police, who were dispatched after receiving the report, judged that the driver had drunk driving as he smelled a lot of alcohol, sweated a lot, and his eyes were bloodshot.

Alcohol bottles, drugs, and drugs were found in the car.

The police charged the driver with driving under the influence of alcohol and drug possession
