Five fishermen die after drinking an unidentified liquid in a glass bottle above the sea

Jul 04, 2024

Five fishermen die after drinking an unidentified liquid in a glass bottle above the sea
Data source=Ansplash
Sri Lankan fishermen who drank suspicious liquids in glass bottles floating on the sea died.

According to local media such as the Colombo Gazette, five people died after fishermen operating off the coast of Tangal, Sri Lanka, discovered several bottles floating in the sea on the 29th (local time) and drank the unidentified liquid in them. One is in critical condition. Earlier, Sri Lanka's navy and the Ministry of Fisheries, Maritime Affairs and Energy said six fishermen were in critical condition after drinking bottled liquid found in the sea about 593 kilometers from the coast.

Three of them died during treatment and transfer, and the other two also died later.

Authorities assumed that the fishermen drank the bottled liquid thinking it was alcohol. However, it is not yet known exactly what the liquid is.

Authorities warned against consuming any liquid or food found in the sea.