Fourteen people went to the hospital to make a potato chip '18 Gold'Tabasco sauce, more than 200 times spicy

Jul 18, 2024

Fourteen people went to the hospital to make a potato chip '18 Gold'Tabasco sauce, more than 200 times spicy
photo source = Boss Isoyama, Mainichi Shimbun
Fourteen high school students who ate spicy potato chips in Japan complained of abdominal pain and were treated at the hospital.

According to local media such as the Mainichi Shimbun, 13 first-year girls and a male student who ate 18 gold (禁) curry-flavored potato chips' at a high school in Ota-gu, Tokyo, were taken to the emergency room after complaining of abdominal pain and nausea.

Police found that about 30 people shared the potato chips that a student brought to school.

One student said, "As soon as I ate a chip, I felt pain and paralysis in my mouth, and my stomach was upset," he said.

Boss Isoyama, who produced the product, expressed his sincere wish for the speedy recovery of students who are known to be unwell" he said.

Meanwhile, this potato chip is said to be at least 200 times hotter than Tabasco sauce.

'Boot Zolokia', a type of chilli pepper originating from northeastern India, was reportedly used in the seasoning.

Boot Zolocchia was listed in the Guinness World Records as the world's hottest chili pepper from 2007 to 2011.

In particular, the Scoville level, a measure of spicy taste, is about 1 million, which is so spicy that it is hard to drink in the United States.

On his official website, Sergeant Isoyama posted 10 kinds of 'Warning'Please don't eat under the age of 18 because it's too hot', 'Don't eat with your bare hands if you have scratches on your hands or fingers' and 'Don't eat even high blood pressure and gastrointestinal patients'

According to the Japanese Consumer Agency, there are no separate food label regulations for spicy taste.

Therefore, despite the students' hospitalization, Isoyama said, `We do not plan to recall the products because we do not make products that violate the law.'