In-flight food poisoning accident U.S. Delta Air Lines offers pasta only

Jul 05, 2024

In-flight food poisoning accident U.S. Delta Air Lines offers pasta only
data photo source=Pixabay
Delta Air Lines in the United States, where an in-flight food poisoning accident occurred, reportedly provided pasta to passengers.

According to local media such as the New York Post and CNBC, an in-flight meal problem occurred on Delta Air Lines, which left Detroit on the 3rd (local time) for Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

This was because about 70 passengers were estimated to have food poisoning after eating contaminated in-flight meals with mold.

The plane made an emergency landing at New York's JFK Airport about five hours after takeoff, and more than 20 passengers and crew members received medical treatment.

Air traffic authorities and Delta Air Lines did not say how many passengers ate the rotten food or what kind of food it was.

Since then, Delta Air Lines has served pasta as in-flight meals for about 75 international flights that day and a similar number the next day.

Delta Air Lines preemptively coordinated a number of international in-flight meal services as part of precautionary measures", he explained.

As a result, it is pointed out in the United States that thorough in-flight meal management measures are needed.

U.S. media pointed out that in recent years some catering company tests that provide in-flight meals have found food poisoning-causing L. monocytogenes, but sanctions have been weak.

An environmental health survey official criticized "It is the negligence of the authorities that risks are found repeatedly, and there is little punishment."

Meanwhile, catering company Gate Gourmet, which also provides in-flight meals to Delta Air Lines and other airlines, is set to strike later this month, raising anxiety.