It's okay when you walk, and if it hurts when you go up the stairs

Jul 24, 2024

It's okay when you walk, and if it hurts when you go up the stairs
data photo source=Pixabay
Knee arthritis is a disease that does not appear suddenly, but gradually progresses to cause pain and deformation. Knee arthritis is a progressive disease that can lead to walking disorders in severe cases. Initial diagnosis and treatment are urgent and it is important to manage arthritis not to progress further.

Degenerative knee arthritis symptoms usually complain of knee pain even when walking or staying still. Recently, more and more patients have complained of pain when they bend their knees, although they are okay when walking, and those with knee arthritis are the ones.

Kim Hyung-jin, director of the Joint Center at Juan Nanuri Hospital, said "The official name of anterior knee arthritis refers to a disease that causes pain due to damage to cartilage between the patella and femur in front of the knee."The patella and femur are not in proper contact, so the patella is dislocated when bending the knee, causing pain, which is different from the general knee arthritis symptoms that pain occurs when walking," he explained.

Anterior knee arthritis results in anterior knee pain because the area is in front of the knee. Pain is caused when you take actions to increase pressure on the knee femoral joint, such as squatting, legs of both feet, and climbing stairs, and in severe cases, knee water may be cold or sound.

Above all, due to the nature of front knee arthritis, which does not usually have a problem with walking, most patients do not recognize it as arthritis, so the importance of the treatment is often overlooked. Treatment of front knee arthritis is no different from ordinary knee arthritis, and if non-surgical treatment such as drug therapy, physical therapy, and injection therapy is performed first depending on the degree, surgical treatment is considered if the symptoms do not improve.

For surgical treatment of anterior knee arthritis, soft tissue vitrification using arthroscopy is performed. This treatment can improve the pain that occurs when the patella and femur contact each other loosely and bent. However, if the anterior knee arthritis is very severe, partial artificial joint replacement that only replaces the knee femoral joint can be performed.

Kim Hyung-jin, the head of the hospital, said "Initial diagnosis of front knee arthritis is important like general knee arthritis. Even if symptoms are not severe, it is important to visit a hospital to check your knee health if you are feeling uncomfortable in your daily life." Above all, in the case of arthritis, it is difficult to clearly identify cartilage damage on an X-ray, so it is important to get a diagnosis from experienced medical staff.

It's okay when you walk, and if it hurts when you go up the stairs
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