Korea Children's Hospital Association "Emergency measures for children need to be prepared for emergency realization of children, urgently support children's hospitals and improve the system"

Jul 01, 2024

Korea Children's Hospital Association 'Emergency measures for children need to be prepared for emergency realization of children, urgently support children's hospitals and improve the system'
The Korea Children's Hospital Association held a press conference on the afternoon of June 30 at Intercontinental Seoul COEX in Samseong-dong, Seoul, calling for the preparation of emergency measures for children's hospitals.

From left, Vice Chairman Jung Sung-kwan of the Korea Children's Hospital Association, Chairman Choi Yong-jae, and Vice Chairman Lee Chang-yeon. Reporter Jang Jong-ho

The pediatric medical gap in Korea is serious beyond the crisis.

The government and political circles have come up with measures to reduce the birth rate one after another, but it is pointed out that support for the pediatric medical system, which is an important axis of parenting, is insufficient.

In the midst of this, it was argued that it is urgent to prepare emergency measures for children at children's hospitals.

At a press conference held at Intercontinental Seoul COEX in Samseong-dong, Seoul on the afternoon of June 30, the Korea Children's Hospital Association (hereinafter referred to as the Korea Children's Hospital Association) urged the government to focus its national capabilities on developing policies to revive the collapsing pediatric medical system.

▶ 72% of emergency patients in children's hospitals, difficult to transfer to tertiary hospitals...Children's Hospital 90% 'Children's Emergency Room'

On the same day, the association announced the results of a survey conducted on member hospitals 'Understanding the Status of Children's Hospital's Emergency Realization'.

According to the survey, the difficulty of all pediatric emergency patients who visited children's hospitals, including pediatric emergency medical centers, also reached a very serious level.

According to the association, 56% of the 117 children's hospitals answered less than 5 cases when asked about the number of emergency patients every month by ambulance in a survey of children's hospitals (the morning of June 27-29), but 22% of 6-10 cases, 4% of 11-15 cases, and 6% of 16 or more cases. One children's hospital even received 120 cases of 119 patients, giving a glimpse of the current seriousness of 90% of the respondents' hospitals playing an alternative role in the pediatric emergency room.

In particular, when asked how many patients were transferred by ambulance over the past month, 52% of patients or less and 10% of 6-10 cases were found, respectively, indicating that local children's hospitals without emergency rooms are highly exposed to the risk of medical accidents due to the high percentage of patients with quasi-severe emergencies. Zero cases were 38%.

Seventy-two percent of the respondents said it was very difficult to transfer all seriously ill patients who visited the hospital by ambulance to a higher hospital again.

When asked how many hospitals have contacted serious emergency patients per university hospital, 90 percent of them were less than 5 cases. Six to ten cases were six percent.

About 50% of severely ill patients were transferred out of the patient's residential care area over the past month. This means long-distance power, and it may lead to an accident beyond 'Golden Time', suggesting that measures to transport and accommodate children with serious illness are urgent and serious. In terms of the ratio, 40% of 5 or less cases, 2% of 6-10 cases, and 2% of 20 cases.

In response, Vice Chairman Chung Sung-kwan (Chairman of the Korea Children's Medical Foundation) said, `If an emergency patient is not transferred, the patient is suffering from the burden of having to treat several doctors and nurses, and if a pediatric emergency patient is visited by an ambulance, it is not possible to provide general medical treatment at all, causing many patients to complain and return to the hospital for a long time" he vented.

Vice Chairman Chung then emphasized, "Emergency and severe treatment has increased confusion and dissatisfaction among pediatric outpatient nurses, and patients who are waiting have to be mistaken as if the hospital has done something wrong, and patient carers have to endure the harsh gaze of children's hospitals.

" "Only when legal, institutional, and policy measures are prepared for the emergency of children's hospitals, children's hospitals and children's hospitals will be able to receive the best treatment and treatment in the best environment."

Vice Chairman Lee Chang-yeon (Director of Aisarang Hospital in Busan) said, "The number of children and adolescents majoring in pediatrics is around 800, but it is far short of 100 this year, and it is expected that almost no children and adolescents majoring in pediatrics will be seen by the beginning of next year when senior doctors complete it. The emergency of children's hospitals is expected to become more serious from next year," adding, "We need to come up with measures within this year and implement them as soon as possible to ensure the treatment of children and emergency patients." he stressed.

Choi Yong-jae, President of the Korea Children's Hospital Association (Director of Strong Children's Hospital in the Medical Government), explained that "The cause of the emergency realization of children's hospitals is a sharp drop in the application rate of majors after the death lawsuit of newborns at Ewha Womans University Mokdong Hospital, the deterioration of the management of children's and adolescents due to the increased burden of medical accidents, and the uncertain future of children's and adolescents' medical institutions due to ultra-low birth rates," and proposed that "It is urgent to prepare a response system with children's hospitals and the National Fire Agency to respond quickly to the emergency of children in.

▶The government and political circles need human and material support and system improvement..."Parents should be able to raise their children with confidence"

The association emphasized the need to improve the system along with human and material support to solve the problem of pediatric emergency in children's hospitals.

First of all, he requested that children's hospitals need the same amount of support in hospitalization as applying to university hospitals.

The association also urged the state and local governments to consider supporting investments in diagnostic and treatment equipment, including CT and MRI, to overcome the financial limitations of children's hospitals due to ultra-low water rates and maximize treatment for pediatric emergency patients.

Chairman Choi Yong-jae said, `Children's hospitals do not have examination equipment such as CT or MRI(Magnetic Resonance Imaging)," adding, `It costs tens of millions of won to purchase such equipment, and when we can't afford to maintain it, we have to buy equipment or treat children's hospitals at the same level as emergency rooms," he stressed.

The association emphasized the need to improve the system as well.

The association emphasized that the Ministry of Health and Welfare should establish a 'Children's Medical Department' that can specialize in pediatric medical care to develop policies that can improve the quality of pediatric care that will become more serious in the future.

It also appealed to the government and political circles that it is urgent to enact the 「Basic Act on Children's Health」 that can legally guarantee children's health and growth.

Chairman Choi Yong-jae appealed, `Many mothers and fathers who come to the pediatrics department are new to society, and many are in financial difficulties.' `There is a desperate need for practical support and policies from the government and political circles for parents to raise their children with confidence.'
