Lee Sung-chul, the new head of the Economic and Commercial Affairs Division, was inaugurated

Jul 04, 2024

ExerciseCorrection Lee Sung-chul, the new head of the Economic and Commercial Affairs Division, was inaugurated
Cho Hyun-jae, chairman of the Korea Sports Promotion Foundation (right), is presenting a letter of appointment to Lee Sung-chul, the new head of the Gyeonggi Provincial Government, and taking commemorative photos. Photo courtesy = Health Promotion Team
The Korea Sports Promotion Foundation held the inauguration ceremony of Lee Sung-chul, the new head of the Gyeonggi Provincial Government, on the 3rd.

At the inauguration ceremony held on this day, Lee said, `I feel a heavy sense of responsibility and mission to take on the heavy responsibility in a meaningful year since the beginning of the economic project. Based on the management knowledge and various practical experiences accumulated so far, I will do my best for the sustainable development of the bicycle and correctional project," he said.

ExerciseCorrection Lee Sung-chul, the new head of the Economic and Commercial Affairs Division, was inaugurated
Lee Sung-chul, the new head of the Economic and Commercial Affairs Department, announces his management goals at the inauguration ceremony held at Gwangmyeong Speedom on the 3rd. Photo courtesy = Health Promotion Team
In addition, the general manager Lee announced three management goals: 'Creating a Sustainable Workplace, a Safe Workplace with Exciting and Working Experience', 'Developing the Second Age of Renegades' and 'Collaborating with Local Renegades'.

First of all, he announced that he would strengthen his job expertise in related fields such as training and training of athletes, refereeing, arrangement and organization, release, and broadcasting in order to create a sustainable workplace, an exciting and work-friendly workplace.

Second, he said he would check and improve the system so that racers can focus only on the game through communication with related departments to pioneer the second era of bicycle and correctional Renaissance. Finally, he said he would actively communicate and cooperate with local bicycle organizations (Busan Facilities Corporation, Changwon Leports Park).

ExerciseCorrection Lee Sung-chul, the new head of the Economic and Commercial Affairs Division, was inaugurated
Lee Sung-chul, the new head of the Gyeonggi Provincial Government, is taking a commemorative photo with executives and employees after his inauguration ceremony at the Gwangmyeong Speed Dome on the 3rd. Photo courtesy = Health Promotion Team
Lee joined the corporation in 2001 and has served as the head of the corporation's major positions, including the head of the business strategy department, the head of the sports industry promotion department, and the head of the management innovation department.

Meanwhile, the inauguration ceremony was held simply in the conference room of Gwangmyeong Speedom, and he spent his first day in office with a busy schedule such as discussing immediate tasks and inspecting sales sites.
