Professor Lee Yoo-mi of Severance Hospital elected the first Korean director of the American Academy of Osteopathic History

Jul 23, 2024

Professor Lee Yoo-mi of the Department of Endocrinology at Severance Hospital was elected as the first Korean director of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research (ASBMR). The term of office is three years from September.

The board of directors, which consists of nine directors, including the chairman, the former chairman, the next chairman, and the secretary-general, and the editor-in-chief of the Journal of Bone and Mineral Research (JBMR), is the organization that determines ASBMR's most important policy.

Among them, six candidates are selected by the board of directors and then directly voted for by members around the world.

In addition, Professor Lee Yoo-mi won the Paula Stern Achievement Award in honor of Paula Stern, who was the first female president of ASBMR. It is given to women who have achieved important scientific achievements in the field of bone metabolism and promoted the professional development of junior women. It will be the first Korean to win the award at the annual conference in Toronto in September 2024.

Professor Lee Yoo-mi said, `It is a great honor for both the election of the first Korean director and the award of the Polaston Prize.' `As a director of the American Academy of Osteopathic History, I will do my best to research and treat bone metabolism disease.'

Meanwhile, the American Academy of Bone Metabolism (ASBMR) is the most prestigious organization in the field of bone metabolism, boasting about 3,000 members worldwide, including basic scientists and clinical researchers.

Professor Lee Yoo-mi of Severance Hospital elected the first Korean director of the American Academy of Osteopathic History
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