Thursday, July 11, 2024. Today's fortune by year. (June 6th)

Jul 10, 2024

 Thursday, July 11, 2024. Today's fortune by year. (June 6th)

The Year of the Rat: The difficult times will go by and a stable life will continue.

Born in 60 years old: Call your children to say hello. I'm looking forward to the good news.

Born 72: Easy to solve difficult things with the help of a relative.

Born 84: Take center stage. You have to walk the right way.

Born in 1996: Discuss with the people around you and get into practice. The results will be good.

Cow year: It's absolutely forbidden to change the way you do it.

Born in 1961: A competitor will appear in an unexpected place.

Born in '73: Money, work. Lee Seong-woon is at a disadvantage.

Born in 85: It can be ruined by a slip of the tongue. Be careful. Be careful.

Born 1997: Your weaknesses may be brought in. Please be careful.

Bumblebee: You're going to walk in unexpected ways.

Born in 62: Don't worry about trivial things and find peace of mind.

Born in 74: Money luck is fine. However, other income can be generated.

Born in 1986: I found a job that suits my aptitude, but it is difficult to join due to lack of ability.

Born in 1998: Take some time to review your life so far.

Year of the Rabbit: Don't speak carelessly. Watch your mouth.

Born in 63: Lee Sung-woon is in a good time. I will have a good time with the opposite sex.

Born in 75: Too much hubris can lead to failure. Treat people with humility.

Born in 1987: You will have a great time with people younger than you.

Born in 1999: Sometimes it's long to give up your stubbornness and act.

Dragons: There's a big benefit in front of you, but you can't find it because you can't afford it.

Born in 2000: How can a rambling act take place. Give up your stubbornness.

Born in 1964: It will be difficult to achieve your goal on your own.

Born in 1976: It doesn't go your way due to bad luck, but if you endure and persevere, your efforts will be fruitful.

Born in 1988: It's not time yet, so we have to wait a little longer.

Snake year: You regret it. But you will get better soon, so please take a rest. Occasional rest is medicine.

Born 01: Seek help from seniors and juniors.

Born in 65: A relapsed illness can cause anxiety to the family.

Born 77: Everything you do is not going to work out because you're not stable in your mind and you're not centered.

Born in 1989: Have the right mind and act with the right mind.

Horseback: Everything will go smoothly.

Born 02: Get rid of your wild thoughts and concentrate on what you're doing now.

Born in 66: Hard work is the shortcut to achieving a wish.

Born in 78: The success of the house sale. I'm lucky to have the news I've been waiting for.

Born in 1990: Get the first button right, you don't need anything else.

Sheep: Now is the time for a wise man to judge reality in a cold manner.

Born in 55: There will be a family event. But don't like it too much. It doesn't last long.

Born in 1967: Look out for blood pressure or stress.

Born in 79: Don't take any more and keep the present.

Born in 1991: You will have the power of a million troops.

The Year of the Monkey: There is a lot of energy in what you are trying to do.

Born in 56: I've met a time to be busy, so it's good to keep moving.

Born in 1968: It's when your health goes bad. You should pay special attention.

Born in 80: There's a lot of work that you want to do, but it can't be done in one moment.

Born in 1992: People sometimes have to be romantic.

The Year of the Chicken: As the sky opens and the light comes down and shines on me, the rich movie is mine.

Born 57: Everything is going to be planned. You will have a great day.

Born in 69: Don't take any more and keep the present.

Born in 81: Too much greed leads to anger. Be careful.

Born in '93: What you're trying to do is booming.

The Year of the Dog: It's not worth the trouble and there's no profit left, so maybe it'll only hurt your body.

Born in 58: Things don't work out, they just get entangled.

Born in 70: Don't be surrounded.

Born in 1982: A small wish comes true, so don't expect too much.

Born in 1994: Eat your favorite food that you watched your favorite movie with your friends.

Year of the Pig: Everyone around you takes your side.

Born 59: It's good to keep your current position. I have to wait a little longer for other things.

Born 71: It's better to solve health problems quickly. It can get a lot worse.

Born in 1983: You can get compliments or pocket money.

Born in 1995: It's good to date someone with a surname of ㅊㅂ.