Thursday, July 4, 2024. Today's fortune by year. (May 29th)

Jul 04, 2024

 Thursday, July 4, 2024. Today's fortune by year. (May 29th)

Year of the Rat: You can live with a tiger if you get your act together.

Born in 60 years: Please postpone your trip or business trip. I'm not good at it.

Born in 72: There's no place to turn and no hope. There needs to be a change in the environment.

Born 84: Defend the status quo. The opportunity will come tomorrow.

Born in 1996: I miss my hometown since I live in Cheonri-ta-hyang. I need a change of mood.

Sow year: The breast of a rich maiden dreaming of harvesting in autumn with one small seed.

Born in 1961: Those who want to do something big should let go of their little worries

Born in '73: A little bit of money is lost, but what you want is done.

Born in 85: You also see and pick mulberry. East, west, north, and south are all directions.

Born in 1997: I'll achieve something big with something small. The moon is shining in the sky, so the sky and the ground all know together.

Bum: If you meet a strong opponent, you should avoid it for a while.

Born in 62: If you reduce your greed, it's all in.

Born in 74: It's best to locate and reinforce your current location.

Born in 1986: You can achieve this by pushing your beliefs boldly without bending your mind.

Born in 1998: If you go too far because it's not a big deal, it's a big illness.

Rabbit's Year: The difficulty soon changes and the good fortune changes.

Born in 63: It's a waste of money and time. Don't argue and make up.

Born in 75: What's the point of losing health and gaining the world? It's time to take care of your physical strength.

Born in 1987: I hope so much. Let's think about it a little lower.

Born in 1999: It's a day to realize blessing in disguise.

The Year of the Dragon: It's like meeting a storm in the sea. Please reduce your movement and take care of yourself.

Born in 2000: You have a lot of disabilities on a daily basis. It's just heartbreaking because the outside and the inside of the people around me are different.

Born in 1964: Smaller progress would be more fruitful than overstretched expansion.

Born in 1976: A close person has a different mind. Please be careful.

Born in 1988: An old friend approaches the opposite sex.

Snake year: Your superiors help you while you're wandering. Please refrain from going out.

Born 01: You'll be successful in a hurry as you move in time.

Born in 65: At first it looks hopeless, but it's done over time.

Born in 77: If you're going to argue, put it off until tomorrow. You can win.

Born in 1989: It's full of joy to accomplish everything easily.

Horseback: Following justice, the pockets are empty, and it's heartbreaking to chase injustice.

Born in 2002: A deal that is satisfactory to both parties.

Born in 66: Your wish comes true only when you know how to make your own judgment clear.

Born in 1978: If you refrain from excessive greed, it will flow smoothly, even if it is difficult to thrive.

Born in 1990: Be true to your conviction.

Sheep: Credit is the greatest asset. Keep your word.

Born in 55: Don't give up your pride and be determined to deal with it. Dignity is worse than defeat.

Born 67: Take care of your partner. It's getting closer.

Born in 79: There will be a conflict over career issues.

Born in 1991: You should avoid arguing with others. There can be an argument for wealth.

Monkey year: We're in the middle of a mountain in the open ocean. Prayers are the best.

Born in 56: There are too many competitors. Please prepare thoroughly.

Born in 68: A friend who broke up contacts you. Please forgive me.

Born in 80: Failure is the mother of success. Promise the following.

Born in 1992: Your carelessness causes you to lose valuable things.

Chicken year: The cry of a chicken waking up at dawn welcomes a fresh spring.

Born in 57: It's time for business to change, so throw away the old and take a new one.

Born in 69: Wandering is the end, a new beginning.

Born 81: Hang out with a lot of people. There's a blessing in there.

Born in '93: It thrives. The pocket is doubled.

Dog year: We are hurt by wealth. Be generous with your heart.

Born 58: An unlikely woman helps. Please listen carefully and deal with it.

Born in 70: Men are smooth, but women are in trouble. Please wait for the next opportunity.

Born in 1982: It happens that you miss your expectations. It's good to start anew.

Born in 1994: You get to hang out with a lot of people. It's a great day.

Year of the Pig: Hope shines on you, so don't give up and work hard toward your goal.

Born 59: Please take care of your subordinates. You will get help.

Born 71: The desired things are done.

Born in 1983: Travelling alone is prohibited. Let's go together.

Born in 1995: Even if you get promoted, you can't get a high position, so you have to give up your greed.